Write a report of the mini literature review process .

Write a report of the mini literature review process ..

How effective is psycho education on an acute mental health ward in the prevention of relapse and eventually the easong of pressures on hospital beds?


DISSERTATION TOPIC IS “,How effective is psycho education on an acute mental health ward in the prevention of relapse and eventually the easong of pressures on hospital beds”.

Write a report of the mini literature review process you undertook at the beginning of Block 3.
In doing TMA 03 you get to practise and develop your reviewing skills; it is the third building block towards your EMA.
You need to draw from your learning across Blocks 2 and 3 to complete this TMA, in particular Block 3 Study sessions 1 and 2. Being able to effectively critique research studies is an essential skill for understanding and reflecting on research-based literature. By evaluating research, you can begin to determine its credibility and its applicability to practice.
In undertaking this assignment you will need to present a report about the role of literature reviews in evidence-based practice, how you conducted your mini review and why you made the choices you did.
By the time you write TMA 03 you should be feeling confident about your ability to effectively search and review literature from a variety of sources.
TMA 03 guidance
Write a report of the mini literature review process you undertook at the beginning of Block 3.
Preface your essay with the working draft of your project title or exploratory question as it currently stands.

The following guidance outlines what we expect for an excellent piece of work for TMA 03.

Relevance: An assignment should be relevant to the question set.
This TMA must:
• be presented in a ‘report’ format and should use headings for each stage of the mini review process
• be relevant to the topics in Block 3: the principles and purpose of literature review; effective literature searching and organising materials; collection relevant information
• be explicitly relevant to your chosen exploratory question/topic.

Content: An assignment should draw on a critical selection of relevant module and additional material to support and substantiate arguments and discussion.
TMA 03 should include a discussion of:
• the importance and role of literature reviews for your practice (Study session 1 activity 1)
• the characteristics of a ‘good’ literature review (Study session 1 activity 2)
• how you used the resources from the module and wider reading in the module to conduct a literature search on your chosen topic/exploratory question (Study session 1 activity 2 and 3; Block 3 Study session 3).
You should provide references to 5–10 pieces of literature, most relevant to your topic, found during the search process

Depth: An assignment should apply relevant knowledge and understanding to the question to critically select, analyse and synthesise information.
Depth will be demonstrated by:
• explicit reference to Block 3 activities, resources, literature and content (e.g. O’Leary, 2005; Lobiondo-Wood and Haber, 2002)
• a discussion that goes beyond description and provides discussion about how, why and when activities have been undertaken and how these can be evidenced
• evidence of wider reading of literature to understand and improve the development need and explicit references to the literature

Structure: An assignment should be structured in such a way that analysis and discussion can develop and flow logically.
There should be an account which uses headings (such as):
• Introduction: the exploratory question, practice context and objectives of this piece of work. (250 words approximately.)
• The importance of literature review: discussing why literature reviews are required in your area of practice/profession/role. (One or two sentences.)
• Methods. How I conducted my literature review: this should discuss the stages and provide justification for any decisions made using supporting evidence. How to manage the data in a literature review: how you managed the resources you found and how this was recorded. (800 words approximately.)
• Results: provide a brief summary of 5–10 pieces of literature found during your search. This might take a table format with suggested headings: Author; Year; Aim; Findings/Conclusion. (Up to 500 words.)
• Conclusion: it should respond to your original objective outlined in the introduction and summarise the main points of the work. (200 words approximately.)

Style: An assignment should communicate arguments, ideas and issues effectively, using styles and language appropriate to the module and using appropriate references, subheadings, punctuation and spelling. An assignment should be well-presented.
Any people, places and organisations should be given pseudonyms to maintain anonymity and there should be reference to why this is the case (e.g. professional code or policy).
The OU Harvard referencing system should be used accurately in text and at the end in a reference list. Minor formatting errors (e.g. commas, full stops) may be present.
Supporting evidence should be of high quality and credible such as academic journals, professional/clinical guidance, policy, and health and social care organisations.
It is appropriate to use the first person to write this piece (e.g. I, we) when discussing how you engaged with the block activities.
Your report should use sub-headings.
Paragraphs should be used appropriately.
There should be a title, word count and statement of ‘confidentiality’ as per the faculty guidance.

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Write a report of the mini literature review process .

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