Why has handwritten lettering become so popular in the subject area of Graphic Design?

Why has handwritten lettering become so popular in the subject area of Graphic Design?.

Order instructions:

Why has handwritten lettering become so popular in the subject area of Graphic Design? This has been my interest in Graphic Design and I would like to explore it further.

There are a huge variety of different styles of typeface suitable for every conceivable requirement. They are clear and perfectly made for typography. So, why is it that so many new handwritten fonts appear more and more in the public domain, in digital publishing, in advertising, editorial design, television and brand packaging to name but a few? Brands that use handwritten fonts are also becoming more and more common. Why is this? investigate the reasons behind these changes and find out why, despite such an abundance of digital font choices available to designers, handmade lettering is increasingly making its way into mainstream graphic design practice. evidence key brands that have taken on this trend and analyse their effectiveness.

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Why has handwritten lettering become so popular in the subject area of Graphic Design?

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