What problem or topic are you proposing and why you are proposing to study this topic?

What problem or topic are you proposing and why you are proposing to study this topic?.

Discuss the instruments or tools that you will use to measure your independent and dependent variables


Build this paper from the Conceptualization Paper by adding an introduction and proposed methodology, including description of the participants proposed for your study, ethical considerations, the measures that you would use, and your proposed procedure for data collection.

The paper should be 5 to 7 pages, containing 1,250 to 1,750 words. The first 2-3 pages will contain your introduction. Your introduction will start with the general idea, include a comprehensive literature review and funnel down to your hypothesis. You will not have an introduction heading. Your introduction should answer these questions:

What problem or topic are you proposing and why you are proposing to study this topic? For example, if it is depression, this is a major public health problem with direct and indirect costs to society. State what some of these are and why it is important to have a better understanding of depression. (1 paragraph)
What have other researchers found (literature review)? If your topic is depression – what are the prevalence and incidence rates? Are men or women more likely to be diagnosed? What are other findings specific to your question? (2-3 pages depending on your topic)
What is your construct and how is it typically defined in other research papers? How are you defining your construct(s)? What are the dimensions and indicators of these dimensions? Your final operational definition? (1-3 paragraphs depending on the number of constructs).
A paragraph stating the purpose of your proposed study, your independent and dependent variables and research question/hypothesis.
The remaining 3 to 5 pages will contain your methodology. Include the header and sub-headers below.

Research Design

Describes the proposed research design for the study (e.g., experimental – between, within or mixed design, non-experimental, correlational, factorial).


Describe the participants you plan to recruit including the total number, inclusion and exclusion criteria, incentives (e.g., payment, course credit) and recruitment procedures (approximately 1 paragraph).

Ethical considerations

Discuss the ethical considerations specific to your study, e.g., informed consent, etc. (approximately 1-2 paragraphs).

Measures and equipment

Discuss the instruments or tools that you will use to measure your independent and dependent variables (approximately 1 paragraph per measure).

Procedure for data collection

What will participants do from the time that they enter your study? Describe how you will collect your data (approximately 2-3 paragraphs).

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What problem or topic are you proposing and why you are proposing to study this topic?

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