Describe why sometimes the power of the founder of a business can be a real problem for the business
Be sure to use APA style, include bibliographic citations and references, and submit the essay
1a) How important is to have a great Management Team for a new business to thrive? Explain.
1b) Why sometimes the power of the founder of a business can be a real problem for the business. Describe.
1c) Describe why the term ” executive groupthink” could be a problem when managing a new business? (Look up what groupthink means).
1d) Describe why the confrontation of different ideas is important when making a difficult business decision? Why advisory boards are so important?
advisory board
new venture team
Small Business Administration (SBA) Guaranteed Loan Program
peer-to-peer lending
final prospectus
fast-track programs
elevator pitch
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The importance of having a great Management Team for a new business to thrive