to design a self-sustaining energy system for use in a residential structure located

to design a self-sustaining energy system for use in a residential structure located. to design a self-sustaining energy system for use in a residential structure located. to design a self-sustaining energy system for use in a residential structure located within your geographic region. Your task is to develop a written proposal as well as an oral presentation to pitch your structure’s developers and financiers – the target audience. Your plan will need to meet 100% of the energy demands of your residential structure using self-sustaining energy sources

Through the Energy Demand homework assignment, you group has already begun the process of determining the energy demands for a residential structure in your chosen location based upon differences in climate and Heating Degree Days and Cooling Degree days in Wellesley, MA and your chosen location. To build upon that work your group should:
– Make any corrections to the calculations based upon feedback provided
– Consider any additional factors, besides climate, that may influence energy demand in your residential structure. You may consider factors such as: whether per capita electricity consumption will be similar in your country to that of a
– student, whether the average hours of daylight in your location will influence consumption, etc. You can make adjustments as you see fit based on these and other differences. Remember, though, this is a modern residential structure.
– Based on the energy demands of your residential structure, how much energy will you need to provide (how much capacity will you need) to ensure that your structure has adequate energy at all times.
o This should be a value (a #) that you determine.
o Bear in mind that when you calculated energy demand for homework you used the units of MMBTU (a unit of measure that allows for different energy sources (e.g. heat and electricity) to be measured in the same manner). However, when you are thinking about providing energy for your structure it may be useful to convert these units to kW or kWh.
– When presenting this information, you should describe how you determined the energy requirements of your structure within the text of your report (i.e. what factors you considered, how those factors relate to energy requirements, what the total energy demand value was, etc.). However, detailed calculations, graphs, charts, tables etc. used to determine energy demand can be included as an Appendix (see below)


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to design a self-sustaining energy system for use in a residential structure located

to design a self-sustaining energy system for use in a residential structure located

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