polling and survey methods. polling and survey methods. You are to write a research paper based on public opinion data. Paper length is 10-20 pages. I will first lay out the easiest paper to write, and then discuss possible embellishments.
You will start with the General Social Survey data. Choose a dependent variable and two independent variables. Discuss your theory of how these variables interact, using the models on the powerpoint on Blackboard.
In this part of the paper you should justify your theory using whatever literature you can find. Do not just say, for example, that you expect women to think differently from men on an issue, but rather give a reason for this expectation.
It is acceptable to have two rival hypotheses – so that I expect A and B to cause C but it is possible that they will interact, , e.g. that the gender gap is higher among the highly educated.
Then test your hypothesis using crosstabs or differences of means. Discuss your results citing appropriate percentages from your tables. Your tables must be attached to the paper.
Then you may need to refine your theory based on your results. In many cases your hypothesis will be not be confirmed. What model best fits the data, and how can you account for the results.
Possible embellishments
You may use a different dataset, including the Chicago Council Foreign Policy survey. If you want to find a new survey you need to identify that dataset immediately and let me know so that I can see if we can get it for you.
You may also want to do a more elaborate model, with either multiple dependent variables, and/or multiple independent variables.
We discussed multiple dependent variables when we compared attitudes on use of force if Israel was attacked versus if China invaded Taiwan. We have also discussed this when I have shown you trend lines for attitudes on legalization of marijuana, abortion, and same-sex marriage.
If you use multiple dependent variables you will want to say why you have chosen these variables and what your expectations will be about the different causal patterns.
You may also choose multiple independent variables. You may examine this with complex crosstabs, differences of means, and/or multivariate techniques such as regression.
You must show crosstabs, but can also do more elaborate statistical analysis.
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polling and survey methods
polling and survey methods
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