an analysis of protein supplementation in the physically active and inactive

an analysis of protein supplementation in the physically active and inactive. an analysis of protein supplementation in the physically active and inactive. keep it related to the biological and medical sciences. No restrictions are in place

discuss for example: Absorption of proteins, muscle mass, Prevention of fatigue, Elimination of malnutrition, mobility (sarcopenia), psychology (body image),


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an analysis of protein supplementation in the physically active and inactive

an analysis of protein supplementation in the physically active and inactive

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Prospects of stem cells therapy in treatment of Neurological disorders

Prospects of stem cells therapy in treatment of Neurological disorders. Prospects of stem cells therapy in treatment of Neurological disorders. For the assignment:
– It has to include a conclusion and a reflection paragraph at the end of the paper.
– A concept map about the hole paper has to be included in the assignment( It will be great if it was in the last paper of the assignment).

More instructions: Content accuracy Abidance with word count limit Abidance with APA referencing guidelines Degree of cut and paste – avoid plagiarism (not more than 20% as per University regulations) Degree of self-reflection, appraisal and critical judgment of provided information Concept map Organization of provided information Degree of creativity – appropriate use of photos, diagrams, art work etc


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Prospects of stem cells therapy in treatment of Neurological disorders

Prospects of stem cells therapy in treatment of Neurological disorders

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Furosemide. Furosemide. Will research the drug and create a page(s) for the assigned drug in the notebook. The page should include a picture of the drug or pill in its most common form. Its chemical line structure, its use, side effects, mechanism of action and all pertinent information should be included.

The drug is Furosemide.

Use the attachment as an example of what you are suppose to do.


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Organization and Structure

Organization and Structure. Organization and Structure. Chapter 4 Organization and Structure
Organize your chapter according to the outline below and complete the following steps:


For Research and Applied Projects
Write an Introduction to the chapter. Your Introduction should include the actual major and sub questions identified in your research design proposal and to be answered through data from your study. You will be repeating the major and sub questions that appeared in your drafts of Chapter 1 and Chapter 3. For an example of an introductory paragraph, see pp. 242-243 in the Writing the Winning Dissertation or Thesis textbook.

Body of the Chapter

For the Research and Applied Projects
Set up information based on the study’s sub questions.
Organize data by repeating each sub question.
Present all the data related to that sub question in the respective paragraph.
If you use any instruments such as questionnaires or surveys in your research present them in the text of this chapter as follows: The questionnaire (see Appendix A) has provided the following data…
If your capstone project includes images, graphics, tables, charts, videos, or other types of visuals, introduce each of them with a short paragraph related to its content.
Have a title on each image, graphic, table, chart, video, etc.
If your visuals, etc. are from other sources, be sure to cite them properly. (For MLA documentation of figures, see the Keys for Writers textbook, Part 3; for APA documentation see the Keys for Writers textbook, Part 4.)


For Research and Applied Projects
Present a summary paragraph of the results of data as the conclusion to the chapter. Do not include interpretation or discussion of data.


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Organization and Structure

Organization and Structure

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The relationship between the cardiovascular system and exercise

The relationship between the cardiovascular system and exercise. The relationship between the cardiovascular system and exercise. Máx. 2 pages. Máx.1000 words total. 1 table with the measurements made in laboratory. Calculations. Comparison between the measurements made in my group and another group measurements. Single-space between lines. Times New Roman style with Font size 12 or 1.
The report must have a hypotesis like: BMI is a reliable estimation of your health status
Introduction must contain some info about the subject that is going to be approach, and explanation of the abbreviations and words used in the report.
Methods: all the members of the group were measured as follows: we measured the V02 of the 8 elements one after another, only after all of us completed this step we proceed to the measurement of STPR and so on with rest.
Results: as described by the brief
Discussion: Reply to the question made on the Protocol, say if the results agree or disagree with the hypothesis, discuss the table and why the measurements of my group is different to the other group, refer the mistakes on the lab as the lack of precision or refer that we do not know how to work perfectly with some of the devices as the machine that measures the V02.
references: Harvard Referencing System


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The relationship between the cardiovascular system and exercise

The relationship between the cardiovascular system and exercise

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Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology. Anatomy and Physiology.

Máx. 2 pages. Máx.1000 words total. 1 table with the measurements made in laboratory. Calculations. Comparison between the measurements made in my group and another group measurements. Single-space between lines. Times New Roman style with Font size 12 or 1.
The report must have a hypotesis like: BMI is a reliable estimation of your health status
Introduction must contain some info about the subject that is going to be approach, and explanation of the abbreviations and words used in the report.
The aims must say for what I will use the measurements and what I I expect to find out with it.
Methods: all the members of the group were measured as follows: we measured the V02 of the 8 elements one after another, only after all of us completed this step we proceed to the measurement of STPR and so on with rest.
Results: as described by the brief
Discussion: Reply to the question made on the Protocol, say if the results agree or disagree with the hypothesis, discuss the table and why the measurements of my group is different to the other group, refer the mistakes on the lab as the lack of precision or refer that we do not know how to work perfectly with some of the devices as the machine that measures the V02.
references: Harvard Referencing System
All the rest is described by the Brief attached bellow


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Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology

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the discovery of medicine in the 20th century and beyond

the discovery of medicine in the 20th century and beyond. the discovery of medicine in the 20th century and beyond. plagiarism not exceed 10% because the professor uses safe assign to detect plagiarism and i need 2 charts and and an interview of course the references should be in apa style and i need literature review and methodology to be included in the research paper with the outline and abstract should be there of course and finally the results one of the sub topics that should be mentioned would be the uses as well as the history


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the discovery of medicine in the 20th century and beyond

the discovery of medicine in the 20th century and beyond

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Internal medicine

Internal medicine. Internal medicine. This is personal statement for internal medicine board (post-graduate). It is required to be one page, single space, 12-font, and new times roman. I would like it sounds strong, strong introduction, interesting conclusion and smooth body. I want sharp grammar and correct words.


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Internal medicine

Internal medicine

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Mental Health Counseling

Mental Health Counseling. Mental Health Counseling. In Assignment 1, you are initiating the first step to the final course project and the presentation of a literature review of published articles (see Final Project in Week 5 for guidelines) across three research traditions—quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods. You will also recognize particular methodologies and research implications in your selected topic area.

For this assignment, you will need to access the Lamar University Mary and John Gray Library system:

For library support, go to:

Use the attached assignment template to guide your work. This assignment should be a total of approximately 3-5 pages, not including the cover page and references page. Be sure to include the chart/matrix of your search process (see the attached template).


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Mental Health Counseling

Mental Health Counseling

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Childhood Adiposity, Adult Adiposity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Childhood Adiposity, Adult Adiposity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Childhood Adiposity, Adult Adiposity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Structure of your blog entry: You can structure your blog entry however you see fit, hoever you should include the following information:

-Introduction You should briefly describe the purpose and aims of the study you are describing. Remember your audience is GPs and pharmacists.

-Description of methods Think carefully about including the most important details in the methods, because you will not be able to include all the details. You should include details of the experimental protocol, but do not forgot to mention what was measured (and how) and what the primary end point of the study was (or which value was compared between groups.). As your critical analysis is largely dependent on the methods, it is important to make clear how the experiment was conducted.

-Description of results It is important to discuss the most important results quantitatively and to consider the most important information to include in a short summary. Don’t be tempted to write too much about statistical significance, without commenting on the size of the effect measured.

-Critical analysis : Essentially, you should aim to consider the work critically, rather than simply accepting the authors’ conclusion. You can approach this task by asking questions such as: Were the methods (and endpoints) appropriate? What do the results mean? Is the authors’ interpretation of the results supported by the data? You should try to judge each paper on its own merits. You may wish, briefly, to discuss the implications of the research which is again interesting but is not critical analysis. Try to keep your critical analysis specific rather than general for example, rather than automatically saying ‘the experiment would have been better if the sample size had been bigger’ consider whether this is really the case. A comment along the lines of ‘the authors don’t state how they calculated their sample size’ or ‘the authors calculated their sample size but were not able to recruit enough volunteers’ is a much more useful indication that something is wrong. It is important to comment on bias e.g. ‘there were more people with hypertension in the control group than the test group’ and to think carefully about critical analysis of the measurements and endpoints used in the trial. Many studies will claim that drug x reduces cardiovascular risk, when in fact they have only measured the effect of drug x on blood pressure, not on cardiovascular events. If a trial uses the ‘Penson depression score’ as its endpoint, you need to question what this score is? What does it mean? Has it been validated in other trials? What are its strengths and weaknesses?. Some experiments don’t seem to have a clear hypothesis and don’t state the primary endpoint in the methods. This is often the case with trials involving mental health where the patients will be assessed for severity of symptoms using 4 or 5 different scales before and after an intervention. You should be asking if it is necessary to use so many scales , or whether the authors were ‘hedging their bets’ and hoping they would see a significant difference in at least one of the measurements. It is also interesting to comment on the way in which numerical data are treated. For example, Some trials of antihypertensives set out arbitrary categories for BP (ie normal<140/90<hypertensive) and then presented their results saying ‘at the end of the trial 20% of people in the control group were hypertensive and 10% of people in the treatment group were hypertensive’ When data is categorised like this, it is a good idea to ask why? Is there a good reason? Or would it have been better to present the mean BP in each group? You may find it helpful to commented on the statistics used in published work. Often these are very ropy!


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Childhood Adiposity, Adult Adiposity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Childhood Adiposity, Adult Adiposity, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

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