Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain. Brokeback Mountain. For next week please read "Brokeback Mountain" and begin research for your final paper. You are to bring in four pieces of research you’ve gotten through the databases you’ve been introduced to by the SFCM librarian. You do not need to have read through the research entirely, but whatever you choose should be suitable to examine for your paper. Please print the first page of each one. Primary sources (letters the author wrote or interviews with the author that refer to the text in question) and secondary sources (articles written about the text) are both acceptable.

We will begin class by going around and briefly discussing the articles you’ve been finding and then we will transition into our discussion of "Brokeback Mountain."

Final Research Paper
Due: Wednesday 5/10 no later than 5pm emailed to me and Matthew Slayton <>. Late papers will not be accepted. Failing to turn in or plagiarizing this paper will result in failing the course.
Style: For this paper, grammar and structure will be assessed in addition to content. For those of you with grammar issues, it would benefit you to meet with a tutor at the SAEC before turning your paper in.
Length: 10 pages
Format: Double-spaced, size 12, 1-1.25 inch margins, stapled, with a date, title, and your name
Citations: Use parenthetical citations as well as a Chicago-style bibliography

For this paper you are free to choose your own topic as long as you run it by me first. The following topics are suggestions to get you started, but they are by no means your only options.

Additionally, I have attached a PDF on primary and secondary sources as well as the grading rubric that will be used. It is extracted from Dr. Hohmann’s Western Civ class. We will be using the same standards and it would benefit you to read through them to fully understand what is expected of you.

Some suggested topic choices:

"A Country Doctor" is among Kafka’s more enigmatic works. Present your own critical interpretation using various sources to support your claims.

In what way does Kafka’s "A Hunger Artist" explore what it means to be an artist? Explore what the hunger artist might represent and how Marina Abromivić is also a "hunger artist."

"In the Penal Colony" is in many ways an examination of power and punishment in a world that is moving forward. In what ways was this piece relevant during Kafka’s time as well as today?

In what way does "Brokeback Mountain" explore masculinity?

Examine Proulx’s use of landscape in "Brokeback Mountain."

Let me know if you have any questions at all.


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Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain

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Reader’s Journal

Reader’s Journal. Reader’s Journal. You are asked weekly for 15 weeks to comment on the poems, plays and short stories by reflecting on the literature, discussing craft and/or how the work speaks to your life. On occasions, there are also questions you are required to answer. You are required to write at least 752 words weekly, totaling at least 11,275 words by the semester’s end. Please number entries & specify at the end of each entry the number of words. My literature book is: "Literature: An introduction to fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing". I will provide all the pictures from the work pages. It is not a hard assignment to do since I’m in City College, and it will not be graded by my performance on it, I just need to have it done ASAP. Please, answer all the question, if just the answer of the question is not enough to complete the requirement of minimum work for the specific journal entry, comment on the poems, plays and short stories (depends on the hw, each homework is about one of this types of text) by reflecting on the literature, discussing craft. 1/23 Reading a Poem, 487-500; Questions: 495, 509, 513 1/25 Listening to a Voice, 501-527; Questions: 509, 513 1/30 Words, 528-540; Questions: 532 2/1 Words, 540-548; Questions: 542, 544 2/6 Saying & Suggesting, 549-559; Questions: 553, 554 2/8 Imagery, 560-576; Questions: 564 2/13 Figures of Speech, 577-594 2/15 Song, 595-613; Questions: 609, 610 2/22 Poetry and Personal Identity, 717-735. 2/27 Poetry in Spanish Literature of Latin America, 736-747; Myth and Narrative, 697- 716; Questions: 742, 746 3/1 A Flea in Her Ear; Write a 750-word review of the play in your Reading Journal 3/6 Drama: 890-895; 918-920; 926-940 including Sure Thing; 1223-1238 including The Cuban Swimmer; Staged class readings of one-act plays begin 3/8 1238-1249 including Scenes from Twilight: Los Angeles; Questions: 1248. Staged class readings continue 3/13 Plays for Further Reading, 1256-1276 including The Sound of a Voice and El Santo Americano. Staged class readings continue 3/15 Plays for Further Reading, 1276-1281 including Beauty. Staged class readings continue 3/20 Finish staged class readings plus screening of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie 3/22 Finish staged class readings plus screening of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie 3/27 & 3/29 Spring Break 4/3 Reading a Story, 5-26; Questions: 22; (ZZ Packer reads her story “Brownies,” on Moodle); 4/5 Point of View, 27-51; Questions: 51 4/10 “The Tell-Tale Heart,“ 52-55; Questions, 55; A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” 417-421 4/12 Play "Rabbit Hole", Jurkowitz Theater; Write a 750-word review of the play in your Reading Journal 4/17 “Sonny’s Blues,” 56-76; James Baldwin on Writing, 77-80; Questions: 76 4/19 “The Yellow Wallpaper,” 344-362; Questions: 355 3 4/24 Setting, 118-124 including “The Storm”; Tone & Style, 161-168 including “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”; “Sweat,” 421-430; Questions: 124-125 & 168; 4/26 “Dead Men’s Path,” 197-202; “Everyday Use,” 363-379; Questions: 202, 369; 5/1 “Barn Burning,” 168-180; Irony, 180-181; “The Story of an Hour,” 415-416; Questions, 180 5/3 “The Judge’s Wife,” 388-394; “Happy Endings,” 394-397; “Girl,” 435-436


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Reader’s Journal

Reader’s Journal

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Post-structural reading of Library of Babel by Borges

Post-structural reading of Library of Babel by Borges. Post-structural reading of Library of Babel by Borges. Conduct a post-structural reading of "Library of Babel," using what we discussed in class as a point of departure. For this paper, you’ll focus on shifting meanings and sign systems, "free play," and perhaps the flipping/blurring of binary oppositions. If you can find information from the book, "Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed," by Mary Klages on Post-Structuralism, you can use that information. Other than that, use direct quotes from "The Library of Babel," and information in the notes document.

Only use the "Library of Babel" and the book on Literary Theory mentioned above as a source – no other sources.


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Post-structural reading of Library of Babel by Borges

Post-structural reading of Library of Babel by Borges

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Who is Hawthorne most critical of in “The Minister’s Black Veil”: Reverend Hooper or the members of

Who is Hawthorne most critical of in “The Minister’s Black Veil”: Reverend Hooper or the members of. Who is Hawthorne most critical of in “The Minister’s Black Veil”: Reverend Hooper or the members of. Who is Hawthorne most critical of in “The Minister’s Black Veil”: Reverend Hooper or the members of his congregation? Use textual evidence to support your answer


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Who is Hawthorne most critical of in “The Minister’s Black Veil”: Reverend Hooper or the members of

Who is Hawthorne most critical of in “The Minister’s Black Veil”: Reverend Hooper or the members of

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Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons

Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons. Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons. Part 1: Take a look at the Literary Timeline in Lessons. Choose any work that we have read in this class and examine some of the historical events preceding its publication, according to the timeline. Discuss how one or more historical event that takes place no more than 20 years before the publication of the work might be seen as influencing the theme or overall message of the work.

Part 2: "Yet Do I Marvel" contains many classical references. Look up the meaning of one of them. Explain what that reference contributes to your understanding of the poem. How does it relate to the overall message?

Part 3: "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" also connects a people to a symbol that is timeless and ‘of the earth’. This is not the first work we’ve seen that discusses rivers. Water is a symbol in many works. Discuss how it appears in Hughes’s poem and in two other works we’ve read this term; what does water seem to represent in these works?


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Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons

Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons Literary Timeline in Lessons

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Explore the construction of national identity in two different texts

Explore the construction of national identity in two different texts. Explore the construction of national identity in two different texts. Please note that questions require you to discuss the following primary texts from the set reading list:
Achebe, Chinua, Collected Poems*
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Americanah*
Roy, Arundhati, The God of the Small Things*

For referencing please follow the handbook attached. This should be double spaced.

The essay should cover the learning objectives:
1. Assess critically the constructed nature of cultural identity and the material
historical causes for the way we look at other cultures;

2. Relate issues of identity to contemporary media and cultural theory;

3. Demonstrate cultural awareness by discussing a carefully chosen range of
culturally significant texts;

4. Demonstrate advanced skills in oral presentation, research, writing
and argument.

Secondary reading to be used for referencing are as follows:
Secondary Texts

Adair, G. ; 1981; Hollywood’s Vietnam; London : Proteus.
Amin, S.; 1989; Eurocentrism; London; Zed.
Anderson, B. ; 1991; Imagined Communities; London; Verso.
Ashcroft, al. ; 1988; The Empire Writes Back; London; Routledge.
Barnes,R., and Eichner, J.; 1992; Dress and Gender; Oxford; Berg.
Barthes R.; 1972; Mythologies
Bercovitch,S. and Jehlen, M.eds; 1986; Ideology and Classic American Literature; London; Cambridge University Press.
Berger,Wallis and Watson eds; 1995; Constructing Masculinity; London; Routledge.
Bhabha, H. ed ; 1990; Nation and Narration; London; Routledge.
Bonner,F. et al. eds; 1992; Imagining Woman; London; Polity.
Bordwell,J., Staiger,J., Thompson,K.; 1985; The Classical Hollywood Cinema; London; Routledge.
Bradbury, M. and Ruland, R. ; 1991; From Puritanism to Postmodernism; London; Routledge.
Brod,H. ed; 1987;The Making of Masculinities; London; Allen and Unwin.
Butler J. 1990;Gender Trouble : Feminism and Subversion of Identity
Campbell M. 1989 Travel Writing
Carter,A. ; 1979; The Sadeian Woman : an exercise in cultural history; London; Virago.
Chrisman, L. and Williamson, (1993) Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial
Cook,P. and Dodd,P.; 1990; Women and Film; London;BFI.
Corrigan,T.; 1991; Cinema without Walls; London; Routledge.
Craig,S.; 1992; Men, Masculinity and the Media; London; Sage.
Delanty G. 1995 Inventing Europe: Idea,Identity,Reality
Drummond P.(1993) National Identity and Europe
Dyer,R. and Vincendeau, G.; 1992; Popular European Cinema; London.
Easthope A. 1991 Literary into Cultural Studies
Easthope, A. ed ; 1993;Contemporary Film Theory; London; Longman.
Easthope,A.; 1990; What A Man’s Gotta Do; London; Unwin .
Ekins R.; 1997; Male femaling; London; Routledge .
Fanon F. 1967 The Wretched of the Earth
Fiedler, L. ; 1970; Love and Death in the American Novel; London ; Paladin.
Frayling, C.; 1981; Spaghetti Westerns; London; Routledge.
French P. 1994 Border Crossing
French,P.; 1973; Westerns; London; BFI.
Fussell P. (1982) Abroard : British travel writng between the wars –
Garber,M.; 1993; Vested Interests- cross-dressing and cultural anxiety; London; Penguin.
Girard, R. ; 1977; Violence and the Sacred; London; John Hopkins University Press.
Gledhill,C. ed; 1991; Stardom; London; Routledge.
Gledhill,C.; 1987; Home Is where the Heart Is ; London; BFI.
Goody,J.; 1997; Representations and Contradictions; London; Routledge.
Hall, Stuart, 1997, Representation; London; Sage
Hart,L.; 1994; Fatal Women; Princeton; Princeton U.P.
Haskell,M.; 1987; From Reverence to Rape; Chicago; Chicago University Press.
Hayward,S.; 1996; Key Concepts in Cinema Studies; London;Routledge.
Kaplan,E.; 1992; Motherhood and Representation; London; Routledge.
Kaplan,E.A.; 1983; Women and Film; London; Routledge.
Kuhn,A.; 1985; The Power of the Image; London; Routledge.
Lawson, A. and Tiffin, C. (1994) De-Scribing Empire: Post-Colonialism and Textuality London: Routledge.
Lieblich A. and R.Josselson eds (1994) Exploring Identity and Gender : Narrative study of lives London: Routledge.
Mackenzie, J.M.; 1995; Orientalism; London.
Mason,P. ; 1990; Deconstructing America; London; Routledge.
Mills S. (1991) Discourses of Difference ; an analysis of Women’s travel writing and colonialism
Modleski,T.; 1988; Women who Knew Too much; London; Methuen.
Moffit,C.; 1994; Evolution of the Western; London.
Murphy P. ed (1994) Fictions of Masculinity : Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities
Paglia, C. ; 1991; Sexual Personae; London ; Penguin.
Petrie D. (1992) Screening Europe –
Pratt M. Imperial Eyes : Travel writing and Transculturation
Robinson J. (1994) Unsuitable for ladies –
Rushdie, S. 1991; Imaginary Homelands; London.
Russell M. (1986) ‘The blessings of a good thick skirt’ : Women Travellers andtheir World
Rutherford J. ed (1990) Identity: Community,Culture and Difference
Said E. (1993) Culture and Imperialism
Said, E. ; 1978; Orientalism; London; Routledge.
Sanderson, M.; 1996; Don’t Look Now ; London; BFI.
Schechner, R.(1988) Performance Theory London: Routledge.
Screen ; 1992; The Sexual Subject; London ; Routledge.
Shohat, E. and Stam, R. ; 1994; Unthinking Eurocentrism : multiculturalism and the media; London; Routledge.
Short,J.; 1991; Imagined Country; London ; Routledge.
Slotkin,R.; 1973; Regeneration through Violence; Middletown; Wesleyan University Press.
Stratton, F. (1994) Contemporary African Literature and the Politics of Gender
Thomas,N.; 1994; Colonialism’s Culture; London; Polity.
Threadgold,T. and Cranny-Francis,A. ; 1990; Feminine -Masculine and Representation; Sydney;Allen and Unwin.
Turner,B.; 1994; Orientalism,postmodernism,and globalism; London;Routledge.
Walder D. ed (1990) Literature in the Modern World – Oxford: OUP.


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Explore the construction of national identity in two different texts

Explore the construction of national identity in two different texts

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The relationship between people & nature

The relationship between people & nature. The relationship between people & nature. 1. Based on one of the attached documents, identify function(s), figure(s), and theme(s) within your chosen selection. Then, explain the impact oral tradition has had on preserving culture & history, teaching the relationship between people & nature, and providing entertainment/amusement.

2. Based on one of the Navajo selections from the readings respond to the following prompt by providing an effective introduction (with a thesis), body, and brief conclusion:
Discuss how effectively your chosen story serves as a way to:

preserve the culture and history of a people
teach about relationships between people and/or between people and nature
entertain and/or amuse
Hint: It is okay to judge the effectiveness of each of the three items differently!


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The relationship between people & nature

The relationship between people & nature

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19th Century Realism  Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich

19th Century Realism  Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. 19th Century Realism  Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Length: 3 pages Format: APA format (no abstract) but do include a References page at the end. Consult The Bedford Handbook and cite the literature on the References page according to a work in an anthology. APA does not require writers to cite the Bible on the References page. Point of view: Write in 3 rd person point of view (do not use: I, my, you, your, us, we, our, etc…) Sources: Use only the assigned literature itself and the Bible; no other sources should be used. Evaluation: Paper will be graded according to Belhaven’s Seven Traits rubric posted on the course page and will also be evaluated based on following directions. Due: by the end of Unit Four and Unit Eight Topic: Choose one piece of literature from the course and follow this organization:  Paragraph 1: Briefly introduce the literature, its time period, and the author  Paragraph 2: Choose one theme and explain (main point author is attempting to communicate…for example, betrayal has consequences)  Paragraph 3: Choose one character from the literature and describe him/her. Select two or three strong adjectives to guide this paragraph.  Paragraph 4: Discuss the literature’s relevance to modern society and explain why students should continue to study it.  Paragraph 5: Apply a Christian worldview to the literature. Use brief Scripture quotations to support your ideas. Make sure to specifically refer to examples and details from the literature and Bible to show your knowledge. Use 6-8 brief direct quotations (most from the literature), and make sure they are cited according to APA format. Do not pad the paper with long, unnecessary quotations. No Plagiarism
1.The Norton Anthology of World Literature (Vol. 2). WW Norton & Company Incorporated.


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19th Century Realism  Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich

19th Century Realism  Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich

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The research about sight

The research about sight. The research about sight. Please write a 7 page research paper on eyesight; optical illusions; colorblind, These links below are mainly about optical illusions. Some of them are about colorblindness. You could start with the book THE WAYS OF SEEING. So I am mainly researching on different types of situation that our eyes have.
Please make this paper interesting, it is not a basic paper talking about what is optical illusion, you should include why we see illusions and how people treat these situations, and what they feel. (example: what exactly is colorblindness people seeing if they are looking at an apple, how do you translate this into words.) If these links are not enough please find more links on the internet. Thank you. If any questions please ask anytime. Thank you


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The research about sight

The research about sight

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Convict Leasing and Prison Industrial Complex: 1920s vs 21st century Racist Incarceration Practices

Convict Leasing and Prison Industrial Complex: 1920s vs 21st century Racist Incarceration Practices. Convict Leasing and Prison Industrial Complex: 1920s vs 21st century Racist Incarceration Practices. This research paper is 30% of my overall grade, so can you please do a good job on this paper!

First, I want to incorporate at least ten sources in my paper but I couldn’t find a pdf version of each source so i attached a copy of my Annotated Bibliography and Research Proposal which shows every source. Maybe you can go and look at the sources for yourself. I also attached three of the sources below. Also attached is a powerpoint I used for an oral presentation I used in class.


Third, When you include quotes from the sources provided, make sure you quote them meaning tell which article the quote is from and what page number. Also, make sure you introduce the quotes first and explain the quotes after you site them in the research paper.



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Convict Leasing and Prison Industrial Complex: 1920s vs 21st century Racist Incarceration Practices

Convict Leasing and Prison Industrial Complex: 1920s vs 21st century Racist Incarceration Practices

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