Information Systems in Organisations(resubmit)

Information Systems in Organisations(resubmit). Information Systems in Organisations(resubmit). This is for rewrite essay. Please following the comments from my teacher and fixing previous one.

Essays based on a case study (3000 words)
In order to complete this assignment you will have to download a case study of Campbell Soup Company: Harmonizing Processes and Empowering Workers from Centre for Information Systems Research at Sloan Management School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)( You will be required to register with the site for free before you can download the case study.
You will answer two essay questions based on the case study, therefore you must read and understand the case (i.e. issues that are mentioned and discussed in the case) thoroughly before you answer the questions.
The length of each essay question is 1500 words (3000 words in total), excluding references.
Learning objectives
You are expected to demonstrate your understanding and knowledge of the key issues in information management and information systems management as well as your independent study skills in this assignment. In your answers you must develop a point of view on the issue and demonstrate outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, arguments and evidence to support your position. You are not expected to repeat the same information contained in the case study, in the same or slightly different words. Don’t repeat or over-explain. Don’t tell the whole story in the case study or describe in too much detail. Reserve your main effort for the analysis and discussion.
Using References
At postgraduate level you are expected to use a wide range of materials such as books, journal articles, reports, etc. Heavily relying on web materials (except articles in digital journals downloaded from the university library) is not considered good academic practice, and should therefore be avoided. Besides this you should not rely on the use of one or two sources (for example using one or two articles or books only). Details of the citation method can be found in the Student’s Handbook.
Organisation of the submission
When preparing your submission:
 The references should be included at the end of each essay.
 No abstract is needed.
 The word count should exclude title and bibliography, but include all quotations and citations within the text. In addition to indicating the total word count in the cover sheet, you must provide a word count for each of the two questions at the end of each essay.

Do not save the file using your name.

You must answer all questions:
1. Describe how the decision to implement SAP at Campbell Soup reflects an organisational perspective on information management. Discuss what you believe have been the critical success factors for Campbell Soup’s SAP deployment in terms of organisational design, leadership and culture.
2. What are the core benefits of IT outsourcing? Discuss how Campbell Soup managed its IT outsourcing project and the relationships with the vendors and explain why Campbell Soup made these decisions.

It is important to follow the feedback and fix it


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Information Systems in Organisations(resubmit)

Information Systems in Organisations(resubmit)

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