Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman

Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman. Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman. Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman


Discuss the differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman and lecture notes. In understanding the historical Jesus of Nazareth and who he was, this requires a critical reading of all available literature. The canonical gospels of the Christian New Testament form part of that literature, and the views they present of Jesus is rather contradictary in many details. Read the “Agony in the Garden” excerpts from Mark’s and John’s gospels and address the following points for each gospel excerpt:


1) Where does Jesus go to after the Last Supper and before his arrest? What happens in both narratives?

2) What is Jesus’ state of mind at the time? Emotional? Rational/In control?

3) What happens at the time of Jesus’ arrest?

Any other details that are similar or contradictary? What portrayal of Jesus emerges from both of these narratives?

Discuss two of the other differences/discrepancies Ehrman raises about the historical Jesus in the canonical gospels (birth narratives & geneologies in Matthew & Luke; date of Jesus’ execution in synoptic gospels vs John’s date; differences in the resurrection stories; etc). Provide details and quotes to support your discussion.


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Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman

Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman

Early Christianity : Differences between the two perspectives in studying religion (devotional; historical-critical) presented by Ehrman

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