hipaa disclosure. hipaa disclosure. POLICY MEMO
APA format required
This assignment is designed to simulate an actual policy analysis assignment that could occur in a workplace environment. In this policy-related problem you are required to research and analyze, and draft a policy memo.
In the memo, you must outline the problem and current approaches to that problem. You need not make a recommendation. Your goal is to outline the problem and the current approaches to solving it.
Topic: HIPAA-Disclosure
You have obtained a position working for “Cooks United,” a large nonprofit health care provider based in Northern California. It’s your first week on the job, and your direct supervisor (Randy) sends you an email, asking you to take care of something for him.
There is a former patient who has moved to another state and obtained a health plan with another company, an insurance provider called “GoldenBall.” The patient is now seeking care at a hospital in his area, and GoldenBall has contacted your facility to obtain the patient’s medical records. Your task is to find out what information you are able to give them pursuant to the HIPAA Privacy Rule, under what circumstances, and what kind of process you need to go through to disclose that information to them.
10 References required and must contain at least one legal case/material.
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