Hi-value. Hi-value. in the summary need include this 6 question answer
1. How was Hi-value Supermarket doing in 2002? (Sales, market size, market share, growth rate vs Centralia industry, profit margin vs. overall U.S. industry)
2. What happened to the market share of Hi-value from 1999 to 2000? Who took the market share from Hi-value? (Who are truly competing with Hi-value directly?)
3. How were the direct competitions of Hi-value? Who are they targeting and what were their strengths and weaknesses?
4. In order to improve the market share of Hi-value, what has to happen? Should they try to improve the number of visits? (either by increase the number of customers or increase the weekly visit per customer) Or the amounts spent per visit?
5. What would you recommend to Hi-value market on pricing? Should they lower the price? If so, how much? Why?
6. Is there anything they can do to improve their perceived benefits? If so, what can be done without lowering price?
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