Gravity Payments

Gravity Payments. Gravity Payments.

(NY Times: A Company Copes With Backlash Against the Raise That Roared)


1. Using Herzberg’s two factor theory, what outcomes did Dan seem to want to achieve by the raise? (2 points)

2. Using equity theory, explain what tensions and reactions the raise created among employees. Feel free to refer to/quote specific employees. (4 points)

3. In the video Dan mentions that some of his customers wrote him letters saying “you just made my job harder”. This is echoed in the article by customer Brian Canlis. Use a motivation theory to explain what they meant by this. (2 points)

4. What organizational justice issues are present in the situation described in the article (2 points)? In order to be given full credit for your work, you must comply with the following instructions:


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Gravity Payments

Gravity Payments

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