Health. Health. Hales, D. (2016). An Invitation to Health: Live it Now! (9th Ed.). Cengage Learning Custom Publishing.
Above is the book require for this essay please ONLY read chapter 8 and 9 to help with the essay please use the book for reference and in text citation to back up your point below attached is the instruction please instruction is upload it below
Tag: Health
Health, Safety and Risk Management
Health, Safety and Risk Management. Health, Safety and Risk Management. COURSEWORK
Company and Project Description
Systems Building is a construction firm with a turnover of £600 million and 2250 employees. Currently the company has a partnership agreement contract with the Department of Work and Pensions to refurbish and extend the Edinburgh office. The contract is a £5.6 million refurbishment of the existing building with a new extension project scheduled to last 47 weeks in total. Systems Building operates by engaging subcontractors to carry out the building work. The project will commence in 6 months.
Coursework Brief
The Chief Executive (CE) of Systems Building recognises the need to have effective and flexible project management. The Chief Executive has asked you, an external Project Management Consultant, to provide a professional report addressing the following 3 sections associated with the project.
1) Health & Safety
2) Environmental & Sustainability
3) Risk
(choose a topic that is neither health and safety, nor environmental)
The CE wishes you to identify and describe effective management approaches for each of the three sections and with the aid of two distinct and different examples for each, to explain how they might be used in practice. Specifically, within the management approach chosen, she wishes you to address the following.
1) The management process to be followed for each section.
2) The timeline for project progression, providing a table of the main hazards identified for each stage.
3) How relevant hazards will be identified and evaluated.
4) The process(es) adopted to monitor and review performance.
5) How the management systems chosen will accommodate project progression and the consequent hazards arising.
Given the high level nature of the report, the focus should be concerned with the systems and tools to be employed by the team to ‘manage’ the project and there is no requirement for indepth details of any particular national legislation.
Each of the three individual sections of the report should finish with a subsection headed ‘Discussion’ in which a critical analysis of the system and tool choices made should be presented. This may take the form of a reflective statement on the advantages and disadvantages of the management/hazard system chosen, of the issues of implementation in a Project setting, and of the value of management systems and tools on a project of this nature. Students are expected to refer to relevant and up-to-date academic literature to inform their critical analyses.
Word Count
1) Excluding the discussion subsections, the three sections i.e. H&S, Environmental and Risk, should be circa 750 words maximum each (+/- 10%) (total for whole coursework is 2250).
2) Each discussion subsection should be circa 750 words maximum each (+/- 10%) (total for whole coursework is 2250).
3) Overall total coursework word count is therefore 4500 maximum (+/- 10%).
Use of models, figures, and diagrams is encouraged. Use a reasonable and realistic amount of supporting text to support any such models etc. Please note, you may make reasonable and relevant assumptions to progress your work.
1)Table of content
2)List of Figures
3)List of Tables
All these are needed in the coursework. Please add diagrams as well.
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Is Pain Physical, Mental, or Both?
Is Pain Physical, Mental, or Both?. Is Pain Physical, Mental, or Both?. Is Pain Physical, Mental, or Both?
Must read 5 excerpts and discuss different forms of treatment for pain, successful and unsuccessful.
in your analysis, be sure to explain what pain is, and how it works neurologically?
You may also address, what are the effects of music, massage, exercise upon the experience of pain? what do these effects suggest about the nature of pain? what is the role of the brain in perception of pain? why according to the author does the meaning of pain affect the experience of pain? why does symbolic representation have an effect upon the experience of pain? why does a person’s emotional state have an effect upon the experience of pain?
Include key terms and define them to support argument ie chronic pain, pain management, analgesia, nociceptive pain, protective pain. maladaptive pain, somatic pain, emotional pain, non-pharmacological intervention and symbolic representation
succinct and concise, focusing on healthcare/medicine with some creative writing infused, if possible
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Is Pain Physical, Mental, or Both?
Safety, Health, Environmental Sciences
Safety, Health, Environmental Sciences. Safety, Health, Environmental Sciences. Write a reaction to your experience. It should be double space, size 12 font, Times New Roman. This must be a minimum one page, not to exceed two pages.
Watch a management video. Include the name of the video in your response.
! Create an account for Keller Online.
Go to the Topic Index and pick a topic that starts with the first letter of your last name (I’m trying to make sure everyone doesn’t evaluate the same topics!)
Your response should focus on explaining who should be the audience for the content you reviewed, was it easy to navigate, and did you find it valuable. This is your opinion so it cannot be wrong provided you sincerely investigate the content.
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Evaluation of Beta-D-glucan detection for patients with invasive fungal diseases
Evaluation of Beta-D-glucan detection for patients with invasive fungal diseases. Evaluation of Beta-D-glucan detection for patients with invasive fungal diseases. Evaluation of Beta-D-glucan detection for patients with invasive fungal diseases
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Evaluation of Beta-D-glucan detection for patients with invasive fungal diseases
Evaluation of Beta-D-glucan detection for patients with invasive fungal diseases
The management of major incidents and disasters
The management of major incidents and disasters. The management of major incidents and disasters. The management of major incidents and disasters can impose significant clinical, logistical, organisational, and ethical challenges. They can introduce unique moral, triage, resource allocation, and public health issues. Many of the most crucial of these dilemmas can be anticipated and planned for in advance, and prospective ethical deliberations must be given to a range of moral issues that may arise during the response to, and recovery from a disaster.
One such dilemma that can be anticipated and discussed in advance of disasters occurring is that of “duty of care”.
The standard practice expectations for any health care worker are a combination of general standards of professional practice, standards of performance, professional codes of ethics, legal regulations, and competencies.
During normal operating procedures, emergency health care workers understand and generally accept their “duty of care” to individual patients.
However, during a disaster or major incident when the point of care moves from the individual patient to the greater population, does this “duty of care” translate to a “duty to respond”? Even if there is a potential risk to the health care worker?
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Clinical, logistical, organisational, and ethical challenges in management of major incidents and disasters
Clinical, logistical, organisational, and ethical challenges in management of major incidents and disasters. Clinical, logistical, organisational, and ethical challenges in management of major incidents and disasters. The management of major incidents and disasters can impose significant clinical, logistical, organisational, and ethical challenges. They can introduce unique moral, triage, resource allocation, and public health issues. Many of the most crucial of these dilemmas can be anticipated and planned for in advance, and prospective ethical deliberations must be given to a range of moral issues that may arise during the response to, and recovery from a disaster.
One such dilemma that can be anticipated and discussed in advance of disasters occurring is that of “duty of care”.
The standard practice expectations for any health care worker are a combination of general standards of professional practice, standards of performance, professional codes of ethics, legal regulations, and competencies.
During normal operating procedures, emergency health care workers understand and generally accept their “duty of care” to individual patients.
However, during a disaster or major incident when the point of care moves from the individual patient to the greater population, does this “duty of care” translate to a “duty to respond”? Even if there is a potential risk to the health care worker?
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PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to Psych Nursing
PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to Psych Nursing. PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to Psych Nursing. Conduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to Psych Nursing
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PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to Psych Nursing
PICO(T) search on the nursing problem related to Psych Nursing
Critical analysis. Indigenous Australian families in health & community.
Critical analysis. Indigenous Australian families in health & community.. Critical analysis. Indigenous Australian families in health & community.. Critical analysis. Indigenous Australian families in health & community.
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Critical analysis. Indigenous Australian families in health & community.
Critical analysis. Indigenous Australian families in health & community.
Critical analysis: Indigenous Australian Families in Health & Community.
Critical analysis: Indigenous Australian Families in Health & Community.. Critical analysis: Indigenous Australian Families in Health & Community.. Colonization has taken place in many parts of the world, and invariably has led to the dispossession of land and resources, breakdown of cultural and social structures and the deterioration in the health and wellbeing of indigenous peoples. The Faculty of Health considers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders health to be everyone’s business and recognizes the ongoing impact of racism and colonization on the health of Australian Indigenous people.
In this assignment, you will:
1. Choose one policy that has impacted on Aboriginal and Torres Strait families
and their health (such as Closing the Gap, the Northern Territory Intervention, the Stolen Generation). You are encouraged to discuss topics with the teaching staff.
2. Locate literature relevant to their chosen topic. You will be provided with some of these resources by the teaching staff, but are also required to locate further additional literature for your own use.
3. Prepare and submit a written essay that:
a. Identifies the policy and provides a sound rationale for the choice of
Policy for critical analysis
b. Critically analyses the identified policy in relation to families, social determinants of health, racism and colonization.
c. Develops recommendations for learning and professional practice.
d. Prepare and submit their assignment in accordance with Faculty requirements for presentation and referencing.
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Critical analysis: Indigenous Australian Families in Health & Community.
Critical analysis: Indigenous Australian Families in Health & Community.