he family role in contributing to and managing youth violence. he family role in contributing to and managing youth violence. UK Harvard referencing. A secondary research proposal which is an integral of my independent project
The first part consists of:
(a) a write up of the research proposal which sets out the aims and objectives of the study; the areas of literature consulted/to be consulted; the methodology adopted and a discussion of the ethical and feasibility issues involved where appropriate; and
(b) an action plan in the form of a timetable. (500 words).
You should describe:
• what it is you intend to research
• how your proposal contributes to the existing knowledge base
• how you intend to conduct the research (methodology)
• what are the ethical issues of your research
• an action plan in the form of a timetable setting out the stages of your research.
Be realistic, and factor in your other assignment commitments and when you have space to focus on your project. And stick to it!
The second part is a reflective exercise which requires you:
(a) to demonstrate awareness of the key characteristics of the different theoretical perspective(s) which you might adopt for your chosen topic;
(b) to select the most suitable perspective(s), in relation both to the topic and to your personal values; and
(c) to identify the research method(s) – the data collecting instruments – most appropriate to the selected perspective(s). (1,000 words)
Research is driven by a range of theories and an understanding of how this will help you to research, write-up and deliver the written dissertation. Much of the secondary material you will be researching contains a theoretical base and having an understanding of what has guided the writer will help you to analyse the material. Thus, you are asked to describe the theoretical perspective(s) that underpin research and how that knowledge might help you to formulate your research question and carry out your research. From this stage we can move into research methods and how they combine with the perspective(s) to provide a logical framework. Thus, the second part of the assignment asks you to:
• Offer a brief overview of the key theories in social research in your topic area
• Choose 1 theoretical perspective(s) appropriate for your research & values, and
• Demonstrate how your choice of research methods is compatible with your selected perspective(s).
Materials-UK able to asses, Peer-reviewed academic text and journals, e.g Keith Punch’s(2006) book. Developing Effective Research Proposals.
Page numbered, double spaced, word processed and word count.
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he family role in contributing to and managing youth violence
he family role in contributing to and managing youth violence