Guidelines: MLA style, 4-5 page paper. Guidelines: MLA style, 4-5 page paper.
Guidelines: MLA style, 4-5 page paper, double spaced, typed, 12 pt. Times New Roman font; use effective writing techniques we have discussed. Pay particular attention to grammar and sentence structure. Turn in a final print copy and have essay submitted on Blackboard by due date (at the beginning of class) For this paper, you have a choice of two directions. We have been reading and discussing from Ideas Across Time about American identity and beliefs. Thus, some questions, ideas, or issues you would like to explore may have come to your mind. Choose choice A or B below. A visual will be a major component of this essay. This A. Argue about an aspect of the nature of human experience and/or what makes a good life. This can be in regards to one’s beliefs about life, death, how we relate to one another, nature, or to the world, etc.. Find an appropriate visual (chart, picture, advertisement, photo, image, or the like) that would illustrate a main point you are explaining and tell how that relates. p(4) For the best custom essay writing experience and great discounts on the above or a similar topic,Why not try us and enjoy great benefits? We guarantee you nothing short of: