Guidelines for the Longitudinal Life Span Analysis Paper Assignment

Guidelines for the Longitudinal Life Span Analysis Paper Assignment. Guidelines for the Longitudinal Life Span Analysis Paper Assignment. Guidelines for the Longitudinal Life Span Analysis Paper Assignment
In 1964 Michael Apted, a British film maker embarked on a project that continues to this day. He filmed a group of British seven years old children and interviewed them in depth about their lives aspirations, and futures. Every seven years he has met with and re-interview those children. Then most recent film, made in 2012, found the children at age fifty-six. We will be viewing these films which are essentially a longitudinal study of human development. We will see the same children at age seven, fourteen, twenty-one, Twenty-eight, 35, 42, 49 and 56.
Your Assignment is to pick one the children to focus on and write an in depth analysis of their life using your knowledge gained from our study of human development in this course. Your job is to apply the material we will be studying to the real lives of your chosen child. As you follow them through life you will use your knowledge of human development and document the growth of your chosen subject. Areas of development that can be addressed are physical development, social development, family relationships, values, and moral development.
• How did the child behave at age 7? Where they aggressive, passive, outgoing, shy, etc.?
• How did the child think at that age, what were they concerned about, how did they see the world?
• How did the child relate to others and their parents?
• What stages of Erickson psychosocial development has the child gone through and how do you think they resolved the psychosocial conflict of that stage?
• At age 14 how has the child been coping with adolescence so far? What changes in relationships have you observers?
• At every subsequent age, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56 analyze the changes in thinking, interpersonal relationships, vocational adjustment, relationships with spouse and children, mental health status, and the psychosocial stage. for the rest of the video.


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Guidelines for the Longitudinal Life Span Analysis Paper Assignment

Guidelines for the Longitudinal Life Span Analysis Paper Assignment

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