Globalization and Its Discontents, 1989-2000 DBQ

Globalization and Its Discontents, 1989-2000 DBQ. Globalization and Its Discontents, 1989-2000 DBQ. Document Based Question (DBQ) Essay Questions


All DBQ essays are based on chapter readings in the Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History (vol. 2) by Eric Foner. No other readings are required or permitted for these exercises.


DBQ essay 1 due Wednesday, Sept. 9 (5%): Read the documents in Chapter 15, “What is Freedom?: Reconstruction, 1865-1877.”

How were the lives of former slaves affected by abolition and Reconstruction? What new obstacles to equality did they face? How was this new black freedom viewed by the authors in this chapter? And why was true black equality not achieved?


DBQ essay 2 due on Wednesday, Sept. 23 (5%): Read the documents in Chapter 16, “America’s Gilded Age, 1870-1890.”

How did the authors of these documents view American society in the Gilded Age? How did societal views differ between rich industrialists and social reformers? What role did religion and science play in these differing views?


DBQ essay 3 due on Wednesday, Oct. 14 (5%): Read the documents in Chapter 21, “The New Deal, 1932-1940.”

What hardships were suffered by common laborers in the Great Depression? How was the New Deal program supposed to help the plight of the poor laborer? And what were the reactions by minority groups to the New Deal?


DBQ essay 4 due on Wednesday, Nov. 4 (5%): Read the documents in Chapter 23, “ .”

What was the U.S. Containment Policy and how was it supposed to check the spread of communism? How did the fear of communism express itself in American politics? What were the major criticisms of American anti-communism?


DBQ essay 5 due on Wednesday, Nov. 25 (10%): Read the documents in Chapter 27, “Globalization and Its Discontents, 1989-2000.”

What were the central economic and political forces behind modern globalization? How did Republican and Democratic views of globalization differ? And how did globalization affect minority groups represented in these readings?


DBQ essay 6 (optional) due on Monday, Nov. 30: (This optional DBQ will replace your lowest scored DBQ in the gradebook. If you are satisfied with your previous DBQ grades you do not need to complete this DBQ.) Read the documents in Chapter 25, “The Sixties, 1960-1968.”

How did American political conservatives and radical differ in their views of freedom in the 1960s? How did the Vietnam War affect these views? What were the major views expressed by minority groups in these documents?


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Globalization and Its Discontents, 1989-2000 DBQ

Globalization and Its Discontents, 1989-2000 DBQ

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