Global Market

Global Market. Global Market. “When a champion sprinter falls short of his best speeds, it takes a while to determine whether he is temporarily on poor form or has permanently lost his edge. The same is true with emerging markets, the world economy’s 21st century sprinters” (The Economist, July 27th 2013)


Continuing the theme of developing nations, your group report must focus on China. In developing your report, you may draw reference to other developing or developed nations to support your analysis.


You are required to analyse the following areas:


    1. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of China’s Macro-environment.
    2. Discuss China’s evolving geopolitical role and its participation in the WTO.
  • Explore the areas that China needs to reform and manage in order to ensure its sustained growth

GRADING CRITERIA FOR Group REPORT:                               

  1. Research demonstrated:                                                 (40%)
  • Including number and relevance of sources cited.
  • Use of academic sources & journals of academic research will be rewarded.
  • Over reliance on internet sources will be heavily penalised.
  • Euromonitor, Mintel, The Economist, etc., are useful as supporting evidence to academic resources
  1. Analysis & critique: (40%)
  • Your summation of the ‘so what’ of your argument with a strong conclusion.
  1. Report presentation: (20%)
  • Quality of Harvard referencing in text + appropriate List of references.
  • Report Layout & proof reading: You should include table of contents & appropriate headings and tables/charts.



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Global Market

Global Market

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