General Theory of Crime (Low Self Control): Gender and Crime. General Theory of Crime (Low Self Control): Gender and Crime. literature review Process and Requirements Your literature review should include a minimum of 5 related scholarly, peer- reviewed journal articles, and/or law reviews. Many articles can be located online using the Auraria Library databases (e.g., Criminal Justice Abstracts, Academic Search Premier Plus, Google Scholar). Steps to selecting a topic and getting started: 1. Select several articles that apply—in this case the more recent the better, because you’ll be able to look at the author(s) references to discover other previously published research. 2. A complete description of a literature review can be found at 3. Papers should be approximately 7 pages long (not including the title page and references). 4. Grading will be based on the following criteria: Spelling and Grammar (15 points): grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and vocabulary usage are correct and appropriate to the assignment. APA Formatting (15 points): format and referencing adhere to the American Psychological Association’s style guide. Use of Outside Sources (10 points): paper includes peer-reviewed journal articles and/or law reviews to support ideas, explain content, and explore the topic. Direct quotes are in parenthesis or, if over 40 words indented left and right with pages numbers and appropriate citation. The use of paraphrased ideas and materials requires an in-text citation. Content (75 points): main themes are identified and compared/contrasted with sufficient depth and completeness, strong support, and adequate detail. Organization (30 points): writing demonstrates unified and consistent organization. The order and structure of the article, paragraphs, and sentences are compelling and move the reader through the text easily. Critical Thinking (30 points): the author offers special insight or creative approach to issues dealing with specific crimes and criminological theory.
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General Theory of Crime (Low Self Control): Gender and Crime
General Theory of Crime (Low Self Control): Gender and Crime