gender, development, and globalization related issues

gender, development, and globalization related issues. gender, development, and globalization related issues.

Using the overall theme of the course, research on gender, development, and globalization related issues (e g., gendered division of labour, unpaid work, institutions and policy-making, gender and the family, migration and resistance), explore the nature of development and globalization and their impacts on a or non-Western country. Employ relevant theory or theories in your discussion. Ground your analysis within the historical context of development and globalization of the country of study. Students are encouraged to use their own experiences working in the development field where applicable.

Examine the policies, projects and/or movements that aim at improving gender relations in your country of choice. Indicate whether the projects instituted to solve the problems caused by development and globalization are relevant or not. Give reasons or justify your views on the policies, projects and movements in each case. State ways of reducing the limitations of the projects or strengthening movements on gender equity in development globalization processes.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you apply the knowledge gained is the course in analyzing the nature and impact of development and globalization on a country of interest to you. The research will also help you to explain the theories underpinning approaches to development and globalization and their implications for gender relations in both Western and non-Western countries.


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gender, development, and globalization related issues

gender, development, and globalization related issues

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