Formal Analysis Essay. Formal Analysis Essay. Be certain to introduce the artwork’s artist, title and date in the first paragraph.
1. Describe some important details and/or discuss the materials or methods used to
make the artwork.
2. Summarize the overall appearance of the piece.
3. Try to avoid too much interpretation about the artist’s biography or cultural context.
Focus on description.
4. Discuss SOME of the visual elements: Color, Value, Line, Shape, Form, Texture,
Space. Note that you will not have a successful essay if you attempt to write about
every element. Focus your thesis on the most important elements and those which
make the artwork interesting or unique. Think about how those elements affect you as a viewer and how the elements might help the artist achieve his or her goal.
5. Discuss SOME of the principles of design: Balance, Proportion, Rhythm, Emphasis, Unity, Contrast, Variety.
If you choose to use ANY information from the wall label next to the artwork, you
must cite it. You can Google “how to cite a wall label” to find out more
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