Financial report of Nestle Company

Financial report of Nestle Company. Financial report of Nestle Company. Part 3 (25%) 
Debt Finance and Equity Finance (10%)
How does this company finance its operations? When looking at this you should keep the following in mind. 
• Is it financed using debt or equity finance or a mixture of both?
• Identify the Stock Exchange(s) where your company is listed and when it was listed. 
• Identify whether your company is listed on the Main or Alternative Investment Market.
• Identify the number of ordinary shares in your company both authorised and issued.
• Identify the number of preference shares in your company.
• What is the nominal price and market price of the ordinary shares and preference shares?
• What types of debt finance has your company?
• Have there been any changes (new debt finance or additional equity finance) from the previous year?

Share Price Behaviour (15%)
• Track the share performance of your company over the last 2 financial years.
• Give an explanation for any movements in the share price over this time.
o EG announcement of results, industry changes etc.


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Financial report of Nestle Company

Financial report of Nestle Company

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