Fieldwork Reflection (BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM). Fieldwork Reflection (BILINGUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM). For this order, you will seriously have to be an EDUCATION Major and have some experience and/or background working with students in a Bilingual Program (ESL/ELL). You must also be Bilingual yourself to better understand the Foreign community (Preferably Spanish). For this order, you will “make believe” that you visited a school where you observed a bilingual program in action (FIRST GRADE LEVEL), preferably a developmental or two-way program, where the language, academic, and social needs of ELLs and English dominant students are systematically and intentionally addressed. Your experience should be spent in a classroom where you can observe differentiated learning instruction for English language learners with special needs. This can be accomplished by choosing an inclusion classroom for observation or making a separate visit to a self-contained bilingual special education classroom. You wil “make believe” that you observed students who have been studying English for less than two years. It is also recommended that you interview the teacher that you observe (make believe that you did) to get a deeper understanding of the teacher’s pedagogical approach. You will identify and document the language and content objectives, learning standards addressed elements of the lesson, and the instructional strategies used in the classroom. You will develop your responses through your observations and reflections as to the effectiveness of the instructional models and approaches observed. Please include 500-word descriptions per questions, of each of your field experiences and use the relevant academic language covered in this course, such as BICS, CALP, CUP, Scaffolding, 1+1 etc. In order to build up on this experience, you will be answering the following questions. Remember, this is a fieldwork reflective paper. Please do your best and make it sound realistic/believable. You MUST be an EDUCATION Major and have some sort of experience and/or background working with this population being ESL/ELL students. Remember that each of your responses must be at least 500-word descriptions. Check for grammatical errors. Use examples and share your experience. Let your experience be rewarding and intellectual. 1) What was the purpose of your experiences as they related to the course objectives? 2) Explain a brief synopsis of your experiences. 3) Your reflection: How have the field experiences informed your perceptions of the school environment? **Please make sure that when you answer these questions, you include the language of Bilingual Education. Remember to read the directions thoroughly and be creative. Make this fieldwork experience sound believable. If you want, you could do some background information that will guide you in answering these questions. Remember to write in FIRST person as you are writing this based on your experience in a school setting.**


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