Famous Deaf life and his/her contributions to American traditions, systems, and diversity. Famous Deaf life and his/her contributions to American traditions, systems, and diversity.
Each student will prepare a presentation on a famous Deaf. Presentations should focus on the life of this person and his/her contributions to American traditions, systems, and diversity. Ideally, you should choose someone who is new to you! And you must choose one that you and I agree upon so there are no doubles!Presentations will be graded on scope of presentation, depth of presentation, quality of handouts and/or media usage, knowledge of topic and accuracy, ability to demonstrate research done and creation of a literature review with a minimum of 5 references cited. Here is a list of possible choices : § I. King Jordan § Edna Adler § David Birnbaum Place your order now to enjoy great discounts on this or a similar topic. People choose us because we provide: Essays written from scratch, 100% original, Delivery within deadlines, Competitive prices and excellent quality, 24/7 customer support, Priority on their privacy, Unlimited free revisions upon request, and Plagiarism free work,
Famous Deaf life and his/her contributions to American traditions, systems, and diversity
Famous Deaf life and his/her contributions to American traditions, systems, and diversity