Executive Summary

Executive Summary. Executive Summary. Your goal is to build a DSS that can be used for calculating costs and revenues associated with daily bus dispatching for Saint Bernard Bus Lines (see Case 8, p. 185). After you build the DSS, you will use Excel Solver to maximize gross profit for the company. Please make sure you include revenues from additional cargo in your calculations. Also, please don’t forget to include constraints for your DSS model when you run the Solver.


1. Please submit an Excel work sheet with the following tabs:
a. Tab 1 named “Bus Dispatching”. This tab should contain the DSS with an optimal combination of buses for each route so that gross profit is minimized. In addition to that, the tab needs to have a short interpretation of results. Make sure the results contain specific insights and/or recommendations for management.
b. Tab 2 named “Answer Report”. You can generate this tab automatically to contain details about the Solver’s solution to your optimization problem.


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Executive Summary

Executive Summary

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