Ethics in leadership

Ethics in leadership. Ethics in leadership. Your research paper will be based on a topic of your choice. The theme is ethics from the dark side. You will be required to explore and evaluate why people cross the line and make unethical decisions given their environment and situation in life. Also, it is expected that you address how leaders can manage these types of individuals. You may use some of the readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic.

In order to complete this task, you will need to write the first half of your paper and submit at least 5 pages of content from your final paper
Here is the outline:
• Introduction
o Definition of Business Ethics
o The Importance of Business Ethics
• Role of Ethics in Business
o Recognizing Ethical Issues in Business
o Evaluating the Ethics of a Business’s Decision
o Improving Ethical Behavior in Business
• Sample of Ethical issues facing businesses
o Employees’ Behavior
o Employees’ Working Condition
• Conclusion


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Ethics in leadership

Ethics in leadership

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