Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological. Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological.
Introduction to Psychology
Paper Instructions
Pretend that you are a practicing therapist or physician. Choose the approach you prefer (e.g., psychodynamic, behavioral, or biological), and pick a specific disorder (e.g., phobia or major depression) that interests you. Suppose that a patient with this disorder walks into your office asking for treatment. What would you do? Write a brief essay in which you discuss the following:
-How would you know what disorder the patient has? (What main symptoms should a patient with this disorder show?)
-How would you go about treating this patient? Discuss the specific methods you would use (e.g., free association or drug therapy) and their advantages and potential drawbacks.
-How would you decide whether the treatment was working? (Keep in mind the approach you have chosen.)
-How might practical issues (e.g., patient rights, limited time) interfere with the patient’s treatment?
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Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological
Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological