Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological

Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological. Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological.

Introduction to Psychology


Paper Instructions

Pretend that you are a practicing therapist or physician. Choose the approach you prefer (e.g., psychodynamic, behavioral, or biological), and pick a specific disorder (e.g., phobia or major depression) that interests you. Suppose that a patient with this disorder walks into your office asking for treatment. What would you do? Write a brief essay in which you discuss the following:

-How would you know what disorder the patient has? (What main symptoms should a patient with this disorder show?)
-How would you go about treating this patient? Discuss the specific methods you would use (e.g., free association or drug therapy) and their advantages and potential drawbacks.
-How would you decide whether the treatment was working? (Keep in mind the approach you have chosen.)
-How might practical issues (e.g., patient rights, limited time) interfere with the patient’s treatment?


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Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological

Introduction to Psychology Approaches: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, or Biological

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European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships, & Depression

European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships, & Depression. European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships, & Depression. Describe three key events or policies that led to the outbreak of War in Europe in 1914. What nation would you say deserved primary responsibility for leading Europe into war in 1914?

2 pages about 500 words. Papers should be double-spaced and submitted in MLA format and in Microsoft Word, Use 2 resources in addition to you textbook. Caution Wikipedia is not an acceptable source, as it is not refereed,
My book for this semester is Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank Turner and Alison Frank, The Western Heritage. Columbia College Custom Edition. (Boston: Pearson Education) 2015.

library. Be sure to document your
sources properly using either the MLA or
Turabian (Chicago Manual of Style) format.
Be sure to review the Plagiarism Tutorial in the co
website before submitting your first essay. Essays
that contain any plagiarized material will receive
zero points.


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European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships, & Depression

European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships, & Depression

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Through My World: A Life in the Day with DSM-5 childhood disorder

Through My World: A Life in the Day with DSM-5 childhood disorder.

DSM V childhood disorder Assignment

I would like for you to step outside of yourself for the purposes of this assignment. I am asking that instead, you step into the world of a child. However, you are not stepping into the world of an ordinary child, but one whose world has been marked by mental and emotional turmoil and distress. I am asking that you write a 300-word essay, poem, or any other free association piece about a child whose world you have agreed to live in for one day. I would like for you to use the title “Through My World: A Life in the Day with __________. This blank space should be filled with any DSM V childhood disorder (depression, schizophrenia etc…) or event of your choosing (loss, divorce etc…). There are really no requirements for this assignment except your ability to demonstrate your knowledge of the disorder or the event and its’ social/emotional impact on the child. These effects may look differently at different developmental stages/ages, so take that into consideration when you are writing your piece.

Please be mindful that this assignment is not your typical academic paper. This is requiring you to suspend your textbook knowledge for a moment and step into the emotional and mental life of another. While this will require a strong foundation of the concepts we have covered in this course, your goal is to step into the shoes of another AND to allow the reader an understanding of your struggle as a wounded child. This piece MUST be written in first person (from the perspective of the child).

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Through My World: A Life in the Day with DSM-5 childhood disorder

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