Kristen’s Cookie Company

Kristen’s Cookie Company. Kristen’s Cookie Company. Memo2, might need it.The instruction bellow

MEMO 2: this assignment takes a different approach than the previous memo 1 assignment. In memo 2, you are essentially developing a plan (or proposal) to start a cookie company in your dorm room on University (reference Kristen’s Cookie Company case study). There are many factors that need to be addressed for this type of venture. Review the case study in detail; on page three of the case study is a list of six elements (listed 1 – 6) that are requirements. A couple of the elements have multiple parts, thus multiple requirements. Your paper must contain all of these requirements at a minimum. However, you are not required to list the requirements in any specific order within your paper. Write it so that it makes sense. Some of the other rules still apply; 600 – 750 words, double-spaced, grammar, etc. Format is your choice. This is a very simple assignment; don’t make it difficult by reading into it. HINT: many students take the approach of a proposal being submitted to a banker for the purpose of getting a startup loan, but you may have other ideas, so use them.


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Kristen’s Cookie Company

Kristen’s Cookie Company

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Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics

Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics. Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics. 1)Analyze the questions associated with your chosen case study and discuss them using concepts you learned in this course.
2)Explain your rationale for each of your answers to your chosen case study.

Case 8.4: Have Gun, Will Travel…to Work
Located on page 312 of your textbook

1)Do you have not only a legal, but a moral right to own a gun? Do you believe that you have either a moral or a legal right to park a car with a loaded gun in a privately owned parking lot, regardless of what the lot’s owner wants?
2)In your view, do employees have either a moral or a legal right to park cars with guns in them in the company parking lot? What do you believe should be the property rights and safety concerns of employers?
3)Do you think state legislatures are right to get involved, or should the matter be left to companies and employees to settle? 
4)Because the workplace is the company’s private property, the company could choose to allow employees to bring guns not only into the parking lot, but also into the workplace itself. Are there ever circumstances in which doing so might be reasonable? Or would the presence of guns automatically violate the rights of other employees to be guaranteed a safe working environment?


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Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics

Assignment 2: Workplace Ethics

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Optimize traffic flow in an intersection

Optimize traffic flow in an intersection. Optimize traffic flow in an intersection. 1- for optimization and modeling class
2- for grad student
3- includes, introduction, research question, data, constraints.


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Optimize traffic flow in an intersection

Optimize traffic flow in an intersection

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9-1 Discussion: Risk Management

9-1 Discussion: Risk Management. 9-1 Discussion: Risk Management. 9-1 Discussion: Risk Management (Chapter 12 Reading)
Think about how incomplete information, risk, and uncertainty have affected past decisions you have made in your personal life or in a business setting. How did a lack of full information and complete certainty influence both your decisions and outcomes? How can you use the principles and techniques discussed in this module to improve your future decision making? In what ways will the changes improve your outcomes?

Make sure to ask your peers engaging questions and extend the conversation. Give specific real-world examples in your post.9-1 Discussion: Risk Management (Chapter 12 Reading)
Think about how incomplete information, risk, and uncertainty have affected past decisions you have made in your personal life or in a business setting. How did a lack of full information and complete certainty influence both your decisions and outcomes? How can you use the principles and techniques discussed in this module to improve your future decision making? In what ways will the changes improve your outcomes?

Make sure to ask your peers engaging questions and extend the conversation. Give specific real-world examples in your post.


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9-1 Discussion: Risk Management

9-1 Discussion: Risk Management

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Project Integration Management

Project Integration Management. Project Integration Management. Project Integration Management

Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of   healthcare services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more than 5,000 part-time employees. MYH recently updated its strategic plan; key goals include reducing internal costs, increasing cross-selling of products, and exploiting new Web-based technologies to help employees, customers, and suppliers work together to improve the development and delivery of healthcare products and services. Below are some ideas the IT department has developed for supporting these strategic goals:

  1. Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project: Provide an application on the current intranet to help employees improve their health. A recent study found that MYH, Inc. pays 20 percent more than the industry average for employee healthcare premiums, primarily due to the poor health of its employees. You believe that this application will help improve employee health within one year of its rollout so that you can negotiate lower health insurance premiums, providing net savings of at least $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four years. This application would include the following capabilities:
  • Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational programs, such as soccer, softball, bowling, jogging, and walking.
  • Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop smoking, and manage other health-related issues.
  • Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-management programs.
  • Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them (e.g., incentives for achieving weight goals, winning sports team competitions, etc.).
  1. Health Coverage Costs Business Model: Develop an application to track employee healthcare expenses and company healthcare costs. Healthcare premiums continue to increase, and the company has changed insurance carriers several times in the past 10 years. This application should allow business modeling of various scenarios as well as tracking and analyzing current and past employee healthcare expenses and company healthcare costs. This application must be secure and run on the current intranet so several managers and analysts can access it and download selected data for further analysis. The new application must also import data from the current systems that track employee expenses submitted to the company and the company’s costs to the insurance provider. You believe that having this data will help you revise policies concerning employee contributions to healthcare premiums and help you negotiate for lower   premiums with insurance companies. You estimate that this application would save your company about $20/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four years and cost about $100,000 to develop.
  2. Cross-Selling System: Develop an application to improve cross-selling to current customers. The current sales management system has separate sections for major product and service categories and different sales reps based on those products and services. You see great opportunities to increase sales to current customers by providing discounts when they purchase multiple products and services. You estimate that this system would increase profits by $1 million each year for the next three years and cost about $800,000 each year for development and maintenance.
  3. 4. Web-Enhanced Communications System: Develop a Web-based application to improve development and delivery of products and services. There are currently several incompatible systems related to the development and delivery of products and services to customers. This application would allow customers and suppliers to provide suggestions, enter orders, view the status and history of orders, and use electronic commerce capabilities to purchase and sell their products. You estimate that this system would save your company about $2 million each year for three years after implementation. You estimate that the system will take one year and $3 million to develop and require 20 percent of development costs each year to maintain.


Summarize each of the proposed projects listed above using a simple table format suitable for presentation to top management. Include the name of each project, identify how each one supports business strategies, assess the potential financial benefits and other benefits of each project, and provide your initial assessment of the value of each project. Write your results in a one page memo to top management, including appropriate back-up information and calculations.



Project name Business strategy Financial benefits Non-financial benefit Initial assessment
Project 1 Recreation and Wellness Intranet Reducing health insurance costs $2.4M over 4 years
less costs
improve heath
and productivity,
lower premiums
high potential,
upfront costs and need to
persuade people to
join teams/programs
Project 2
Health Coverage Costs Business Model
Reducing healthcare costs $1.6M over 4 years
less costs
negotiate lower
high potential,
cost $100K,
Project 3
Cross-Selling System
Increase cross selling $3M over 3 years
less costs
increased sales,
better customer
cost $800K/year
Project 4
Web-enhanced Communications System
Develop a web-based application $6M over 3 years improve communication low,
cost $3M to develop
and $600K/year to maintain




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Project Integration Management

Project Integration Management

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High-speed rail

High-speed rail. High-speed rail. – This paper is for Public Transportation class.
– This paper is a 1 page proposal for final term paper including introduction, description, research question, and references
– This paper is kind of an outline of the final term paper.
– (TRB style paper for references) type of references (peer-reviewed, archival, referred journal articles or technical reports).


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High-speed rail

High-speed rail

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M 3 -2

M 3 -2. M 3 -2. In the Module 3 Section, “Videos of Various Therapeutic Models,” there is a video “Family Systems Therapy.”

In your Family Therapy text, Chapter 8, the text talks about Murray Bowen’s Family Systems Theory.

According to family systems theory, the following eight forces shape family functioning:

Differentiation of the self,
Nuclear family emotional system,
Family projection process,
Emotional cutoff,
Multigenerational transmission process,
Sibling position, and
Societal regression.
Based on what you have learned from the video, and from reading the text, choose one of these “eight forces” and share your understanding with the class as an original post.

Students are required to post one original post stating their understanding of one of the “eight forces” in Family Systems Theory. Students must also post a minimum of 4 additional responses to the posts of their classmates to earn full points.


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M 3 -2

M 3 -2

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You are to respond to the assigned research publication. You should research
Assigned article and clarify, what you feel is the meaning behind that article,
Giving consideration to the various theories under the umbrella of the Public
Interest Theory and what of the role of regulators (politicians)? What are the
Motivations of politicians as regulators?
You should then respond to the article by arguing a position. Do you agree or
Disagree, explaining why. You should give consideration to events in recent
Years that may have had an influence.

Websites that may assist:
• AASB (website of Australian Accounting Standards Board)
• IASB (website of International Accounting Standards Board)
• FASB (website of US-based Financial Accounting Standards Board
• ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia)
• CPAA (Certified Practising Accountants Australia)

It is also recommended that you utilise ProQuest and Google Scholar as well
As Financial review, the Age and BRW (Business Review Weekly)
Marks will be given on the soundness of your argument, research conducted,
Quality of report (presentation, referencing) and the understanding of the
Issues. Each report will be assessed as a group so ensure that, as a group
You are satisfied with the contribution of each member.


Report structure:
Should consist of summary (overview), introduction, points
Of discussion and conclusion. Ensure that all references are clearly identified
In accordance with Harvard or APA (refer to your student handbook if unsure).


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Case Study – Pegasus

Case Study – Pegasus Case Study – Pegasus

Case – Pegasus

Case Solution: Answer follow Question

Analyze each section of the business plan identifying its positive aspects and negative aspects. Then rate each section on a 1 through 9 basis with 1 being excellent and 9 very poor. Finally, do you think the company was successful?

Important: Please use following textbooks:

1) Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters, and Dean A. Shepherd, Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing and Managing a New Enterprise, 10th Edition. (New York; McGraw Hill, 2016)
Read: Chapters 6 and 9

2) Robert D. Hisrich, Small Business Solutions: How to Fix and Prevent the 13 Biggest Problems that Derail Business. (New York: McGraw Hill, 2004).
Read: Problem 2

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Case Study – Pegasus

Case Study – Pegasus

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HBS Case – The Johnsonville Sausage Co

HBS Case – The Johnsonville Sausage Co. HBS Case – The Johnsonville Sausage Co.

HBS Case – The Johnsonville Sausage Co


Case Solution:
Answer the following Questions.

1.    Describe the nature of the industry in terms of size and characteristics.

2.    What are the critical factors for success in this industry?

3.    What forces led to the transition and how has Ralph Stayer changed?

4.    What options did Ralph Stayer have and how do you know when a transition is needed?

5.    What were the key steps in the transition process and why is transition difficult for many individuals?

6.    Compare the old and new organization.

7.    a)      Is Johnsonville a model for an effective innovation?

b)    What do employees “get” in the Johnsonville organization? What does the      company get in return? What are the costs?

8.    How should Ralph Stayer react to the Palmer request?



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HBS Case – The Johnsonville Sausage Co

HBS Case – The Johnsonville Sausage Co

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