Building that is primarily constructed of concrete

Building that is primarily constructed of concrete. Building that is primarily constructed of concrete.

Select a building that is primarily constructed of concrete. Document the designer(s) of record, context and overview of the specific use of this material, (i.e. site-cast, pre-cast, etc.) Provide a brief outline of this technology’s history of involvement in the Construction process. This description should include its inception, development and contributions to our field of study. You are to include examples of application, both graphic and verbal, to delineate this impact. This investigation should also illuminate why you selected this structure to demonstrate the basic principles of Concrete technology and correlate the same to the course.
Format: Typed, double-spaced, 8-1/2″ x 11″ document with illustrations [ sketches, zeroxes, collage, etc.] You are required to cite your sources, Failure to do so equates in a failing mark for this exercise.p(3)

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Building that is primarily constructed of concrete

Building that is primarily constructed of concrete

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