Budget Estimate. Budget Estimate. This report is on Quantity Surveying and the Module is Costing Studies and Measurements, so basically the assignment is about a budget estimate of a building Please follow the standard template for elemental cost plan (based on level 1 codes) published by the RICS [available in appendix H (pg. 364): New rules of measurement 2012: Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works] to report your estimate . Rates for composite items can be found in price books. Make logical assumptions where appropriate. All calculations need to be reported clearly. The report is not an academic document and is therefore unlikely to include academic references.
Calculate the rates from Spon’s Price book (which I will attach) starting from page 161 to page 203 and I’ll attach the new rules of measurements NRM2 also I’ll attach appendix H you should complete the form. calculate the gross internal area GIFA (Meter squared)
which is 95.88 m2.
the report should include, as a minimum:
Statement of cost
GIFA (m ²)
Cost plan
Specification (indicative not definitive)
the Measurement mantra is CLEAR, CONCISE AND CORRECT!!!
Marking criteria
• Professional presentation, use of standard protocols and templates (20%)
• Accuracy of calculation/measurement (40%)
• Benchmarking, assumptions made, qualifications, and inclusions/exclusions (20%)
• Understanding and use of skills of quantification of simple construction methods and materials. (20%)
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