Beyond ethnography, do anthropologists have any need for theory? Discuss using at least two theoretical approaches discussed in the lectures and backing up your discussion with reference to relevant ethnographic examples. Beyond ethnography, do anthropologists have any need for theory? Discuss using at least two theoretical approaches discussed in the lectures and backing up your discussion with reference to relevant ethnographic examples. Beyond ethnography, do anthropologists have any need for theory? Discuss using at least two theoretical approaches discussed in the lectures and backing up your discussion with reference to relevant ethnographic examples. Beyond ethnography, do anthropologists have any need for theory? Discuss using at least two theoretical approaches discussed in the lectures and backing up your discussion with reference to relevant ethnographic examples. Beyond ethnography, do anthropologists have any need for theory? Discuss using at least two theoretical approaches discussed in the lectures and backing up your discussion with reference to relevant ethnographic examples.
The exercise requires you to include three things
• A general commentary on anthropology theory
• A critical account of the relationship between theory and ethnography
• A comparison of how this relationship features drawing on readings and ideas about at least two theoretical approaches discussed in the lectures and illustrated with relevant contemporary ethnographies
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