Homeland Security

Homeland Security. Homeland Security. The components of this assignment include a research question and a purpose and design statement. It must contain at least eight sources, at least six of which must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project. Length: 3 pp.

Since 9/11, security as we all know has been at the front of most of our minds. Strict federal regulations were immediately imposed on several industries to protect us from future attacks. The global food industry being one of the less regulated (in terms of defense) and perhaps one of the most vulnerable in the world today to a terrorist attack or criminal attack. Attacks, terrorist or otherwise could harm thousands of consumers and cause economic destruction for food companies. Being in the industry I am well aware of how soft a target the food/ agricultural section is. Through my research I will demonstrate this with examples of successful and unsuccessful attacks right here in the United States and around the world. I will also explain what DHS, FDA and private industry are planning on doing to prevent and mitigate attacks such as the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), why have they done little so far and the thinking around that. One argument is that it will never happen to us, the other being that it is only a matter of time until it does.

Complacency and Compliance:

How a culture of food defense can be developed in order for regulations to reduce food defense risk.

It Won’t Happen here (could it?):

How the perception of risk is hindering the development of a culture of food defense within the Food and Ag Sector

How basic physical security elements can help to decrease food defense risk across the Food and Ag Sector


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Homeland Security

Homeland Security

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