Assess the reliability of Josephus' account of the fall of Masada Assess the reliability of Josephus' account of the fall of Masada. Assess the reliability of Josephus' account of the fall of Masada Assess the reliability of Josephus' account of the fall of Masada. Question: Assess the reliability of Josephus’ account of the fall of Masada.
Due: 11/1/2016
Referencing: Harvard with footnotes and reference list
Josephus, Jewish War, 7.320-406.
Cohen, Shaye D.J., ‘Masada: Literary Tradition, Archaeological Remains, and the Credibility of Josephus’, Journal of Jewish Studies 33 (1982) 385-405.
Ladouceur, David J., ‘Josephus and Masada’, in Josephus, Judaism and Christianity (eds, L. Feldman, G. Hata; Leiden: Brill, 1987) 95-113.
Netzer, Ehud. ‘The Rebels’ Archive at Masada’, Israel Exploration Journal 54 (2004) 218-229.
Paine, R., ‘Masada: A History of a Memory’, History and Anthropology 6 (1994) 371-409
Shargel, Baila R., ‘The Evolution of the Masada Myth’, Judaism 28 (1979) 357-371.
Feldman, Louis H., Reinhold, Meyer, Jewish Life and Thought among Greeks and Romans: Primary Readings (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996) 265-290, esp. 282-285.
Feldman, Louis H., ‘Masada: A Critique of Recent Scholarship’, in Christianity, Judaism and other Greco-Roman Cults: Studies for Morton Smith at Sixty, Part 3: Judaism before 70 (ed., J. Neusner; Leiden: Brill, 1975) 218-248.
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