As the Business and economics majors could examine education as an investment. As the Business and economics majors could examine education as an investment. Education is a broad term but it generally refers to the process of learning and acquiring information, which can be either through formal learning like in schools or universities or through informal learning like the kind we get in “life experiences.” Countries around the world place a high value on education, particularly the formal kind, as it is widely believed that it makes people more productive and better contributors to society.
As the Business and economics majors could examine education as an investment, please include one page of abstract.
The most important thing is that this essay will require you to conduct library research. You will need to provide background information or context for the educational topic you have chosen. You will also need to present and integrate research on this topic and its connection to your field of study.
*The sources must be current U.S sources, don’t be too old please.
Comments from Support Team: hi
The proposal I uploaded is my initial idea about this paper, the writer don’t have to follow the proposal if they have better idea on this topic.
oh the topic is “As the Business and economics majors could examine education as an investment”
and here are some suggestion for the writer if he followed the proposal.
You could research what kinds of job openings are available to both a B.A. and an MBA and examine what the differences in starting salaries are. You would also want to find out which jobs require an MBA and what their salary is because perhaps those kinds of jobs earn more money. And of course, you would look at the cost of investing in an MBA.
Another thing you might want to look at is what kind of training is given in the MBA that does not occur in the BA and discuss whether that type of training would be necessary for someone to move up the ladder faster or get better paying positions.
Since MBAs are strongly advertised today, it would be natural for business administration majors to wonder whether they should be investing in this degree, which is sometimes very expensive.
I think you can write a strong informational paper that researches all of the evidence about whether or not getting an MBA is a good investment for a Business Admin major.
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As the Business and economics majors could examine education as an investment
As the Business and economics majors could examine education as an investment