Modernism. Modernism.
Answer the following questions in 3 different paragraphs, may refer to the provided reading material as sources. article password: pumpkin 1) Discuss the acceleration of modern life from the age of speed beginning ca 1910 through the 1950’s. (*provided article) 2) Evaluate the ideas of the DeStijl in Holland, the Purists in France, the Russian Avant-Garde, and the Bauhaus in Germany. What did these artists/designers share in common? What impact did they have on contemporary culture – on later society? 3) What is American about post World War II art in the United States? What role did Clement Greenberg play in determining what art should be? (*provided article)p(1) Place your order now to enjoy great discounts on this or a similar topic. People choose us because we provide: Essays written from scratch, 100% original, Delivery within deadlines, Competitive prices and excellent quality, 24/7 customer support, Priority on their privacy, Unlimited free revisions upon request, and Plagiarism free work,