Argument and Research CWP 102. Argument and Research CWP 102.
Final Exam
1. Review the syllabus, paying particular attention to the Learning Outcomes for This Course and the Intellectual Foundations Learning Outcomes.2. Collect all your assignments (including drafts and revisions) and class notes. Arrange all these documents in chronological order, and then read and reflect on your writing over the course of the entire semester.
3. Compose an essay presenting an argument for your successful completion of the course with the following components:
• Major Premise / Theoretical Framework: the Learning Outcomes from the syllabus
• Choose TWO Learning Outcomes for This Course
• Choose TWO Intellectual Foundations Learning Outcomes
• Minor Premise / Data: your assignments, drafts, and notes
• You must include direct quotes from work you generated this semester. Overall reflections or descriptions are not sufficient.
• Conclusions
• ImplicationsPut another way, using the evidence of your own work in the course, explain how you have successfully achieved the Learning Outcomes as listed in the syllabus.
You must include both overall patterns of evidence and specific illustrations (quotes from drafts, assignments, notes, etc.). Identify quoted material by name of assignment and date.Pay particular attention to the decisions that you made throughout the semester and why you made those decisions. While I am interested in the final product of your Project Paper, I am more interested in the recursive process that you experienced through the act of composing.
Your finished essay should be well organized, seriously and carefully revised, well argued, and 3 pages.
Course Syllabus:Learning Outcomes for this Course: By the end of this course students will:
• demonstrate competence in the writing process from invention and prewriting through drafting, revision, and final editing.
• compose and revise competent pieces of expository writing, including narratives, personal essays, responses to literary works, and /or informal writing such as journals. Students will demonstrate competence with patterns of arrangement: narration, description, comparison, contrast, classification, cause and effect, induction and deduction.
• recognize persona, purpose, and audience in writing and develop essays that demonstrate unity and coherence and contain a clear controlling idea (thesis), a strong introduction, sufficient supporting detail, and a strong conclusion.
• demonstrate the ability to locate, select and incorporate source materials into their writing, and be introduced to Butler Library and the Internet as sources of reference information.
• explore the potential of using the personal computer as a tool for writing and revising.Intellectual Foundations Learning Objectives: The Intellectual Foundations Program promotes an understanding of the continuity of human history, the depth of inherited knowledge, the validity of diverse modes of inquiry, the value of artistic expression and the richness of our collective experience. The purpose of the Intellectual Foundations Program is to develop the skills and habits of the mind required for a life of intellectual curiosity and civic engagement.
• A well-educated person understands that s/he lives in history. S/he understands that it is the key to who we are today and where we are going tomorrow. S/he recognizes the profound ways in which our own experience is crucially conditioned by that of others.
• A well-educated person understands that there are many ways of viewing and understanding the world and recognizes and appreciates both difference and similarity. S/he is literate across a wide range of genres and media and can find, in radically different forms of discourse, crucial and equally valuable insights and meaning. For an educated person, all are special forms of “reading,” profound ways in which the eyes and the ears, and the other senses become attuned to the infinite wonders and talents that make up the human and the natural world.
• A well-educated person knows how to listen and to hear; to watch and observe. S/he can follow an argument, track logical reasoning, detect illogic; hear the emotions that lie behind both the logic and the illogic, and ultimately empathize with the person who is feeling those emotions. S/he recognizes that insights are to be gained from people with a variety of backgrounds and values and uses them in a constant dialogue between knowledge and values.
• A well-educated person can communicate effectively. S/he knows how to present information, to ask thoughtful questions and to converse with people of different backgrounds. S/he practices respect and humility, tolerance and self-criticism.
• A well-educated person can write clearly, persuasively and movingly. S/he is adept at the craft of using the written word to convey ideas, emotions, and accurate description. S/he approaches writing as a creative process of communication – of intellectual and civic engagement – as well as self-reflection.
• A well-educated person can solve a wide variety of problems. S/he knows how to look at a complex reality, break it into pieces, analyze and reconstruct it again. S/he understands that challenges present themselves in vastly differing and unexpected forms and contexts and must be addressed using a variety of critical and creative methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative.
• Well-educated people jointly engage the world of ideas, of human affairs and of nature by integration and connection. They see connections so as to be able to make sense of the world and act within it in creative ways. They know that they belong to a community whose prosperity and well-being is crucial to their own and help that community flourish by giving of themselves to make the success of others possible. All of the qualities addressed above are in the end about gaining the power, the insight, the generosity, and finally the freedom and the wisdom to connect with one another and the world.p(3)
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