Describe how Realists, Liberals, and Feminists theorists differ in their analytical approaches to world politics, and the implications of these theories for world politics

Describe how Realists, Liberals, and Feminists theorists differ in their analytical approaches to world politics, and the implications of these theories for world politics. Describe how Realists, Liberals, and Feminists theorists differ in their analytical approaches to world politics, and the implications of these theories for world politics. Include famous realists, liberals, and feminists theorists and give examples of their perspectives on world politics today.

Sources must be:
– 3 Books that can be found online
– 3 Journal articles that can be found online
– 3 other electronic sources

Make it clear and seem like a student with a B- write it.

Double spaced, font size 12, Times New Roman, Have a word count on the cover of the page.


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Describe how Realists, Liberals, and Feminists theorists differ in their analytical approaches to world politics, and the implications of these theories for world politics

Describe how Realists, Liberals, and Feminists theorists differ in their analytical approaches to world politics, and the implications of these theories for world politics

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