Anatomy muscle contraction. Anatomy muscle contraction. Skeletal Muscle contraction
Tell me the story of a skeletal muscle contraction beginning with the excitation of a motor neuron (including local potentials) leading to action potential, putting out neurotransmitter, then the receptors on the muscle side all the players involved in the contraction and the sequence of events that make it happen all the way to muscle relaxation
Format is up to you. You can hand write it, make flash cards, PowerPoint presentation, write it out step by step, use diagrams, tell it like a story in essay format.
Just make sure you pay attention to detail so include all the steps and correctly identify the players, i.e. mention that calcium ions in the presynaptic knobs get in via voltage gated ion channels and that the receptors of acetylcholine are ligand gated ion channels etc.
please be very specific *****
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