nalysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation, The main focus of the report will be the recommendation and justification of a suitable FMSS (mode of entry) for the MNE into the chosen country ( ASEAN- MALAYSIA ).

nalysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation, The main focus of the report will be the recommendation and justification of a suitable FMSS (mode of entry) for the MNE into the chosen country ( ASEAN- MALAYSIA ).. nalysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation, The main focus of the report will be the recommendation and justification of a suitable FMSS (mode of entry) for the MNE into the chosen country ( ASEAN- MALAYSIA ).. Part B

Analysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation

Prepare a 3500 word (not including diagrams; tables or references) individual WRITTEN report, which is worth 70% of the mark for the module.

The main focus of the report will be the recommendation and justification of a suitable FMSS (mode of entry) for the MNE into the chosen country ( ASEAN- MALAYSIA ).

You are expected to use appropriate conceptual models and to draw on your preceding analysis to support your recommendation of a suitable FMSS.

The report will assess your ability to research a problem of real international businesses, in this case the most appropriate way to expand into foreign markets. You will need to demonstrate your ability to logically structure your investigation and identify issues associated with the operation of international businesses and to analyse the critical aspects of these and to evaluate and to propose solutions.

Guidance notes for component B

Your report should include the following sections (all section word counts are only suggestions):

Cover sheet: Report title; module’s name: Management of International Business; your Name; Student ID (must); your degree title, for example BA (Hons) International Business; and Tutor Name

Plagiarism Declaration (see below – one page MUST be inserted here)

Table of Contents (one page)

  1. Introduction – a brief introduction stating what the report will cover (150 words)
  2. MNE Analysis

Choose a specific firm (MNE) not currently operating in the country and analyse its strengths and weaknesses using appropriate theoretical models from the course and empirical evidence from your own research. In this section present only the key, relevant findings from this research, not the full analysis. (Approximately 300 words)

  1. Industry/sector analysis

Analyse the industry sector within which the company predominantly operates. Again you should use conceptual models from the course and empirical research evidence. Present only the relevant findings from the research in this section. (Approximately 300 words)

  1. Country Analysis

Drawing on your research from Part A of the assessment, summarise the relevant findings, not the full analysis in this part of your work. (Approximately 300 words)

  1. Analysis of regional organisation

Drawing on your research from Part A of the assessment, summarise the relevant findings, not the full analysis in this part of your work. (Approximately 300)

Note: In respect of both the country and the regional organisation, consideration should be given to policy in relation to trade and investment and factors such as improvements to infrastructure, economic development, education, training and any other initiatives and policies aimed at improving trade and ease of doing business.

  1. FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation

This is the substantive core of the report. Using appropriate conceptual models and theoretical insights from the course identify and justify a suitable FMSS (Mode of Entry) for the company into the chosen country. For this final section, which represents the main focus of the module assessment, you must draw on your findings from the earlier parts of your report to develop analysis and demonstrate synthesis of theoretical and empirical material to justify your choice and recommendation of a suitable FMSS. (Approximately 2000 words)

  1. Conclusion – a short conclusion re-stating the key points in the argument presented in the report (150 words)
  2. Bibliography – full details using Harvard Referencing conventions of all materials referred to in preparation of this work and those cited.

Guidance notes and restrictions

  1. In all parts of the report you are expected to present findings resulting from evidence based analysis not merely description or speculation.
  2. In the final (FMSS) section you are expected to develop synthesis and evaluation based on key empirical findings from the earlier sections and appropriate conceptual/theoretical models from the module
  3. You are expected to reference your report accurately and comprehensively using the Harvard System as required by the university. If you are unsure of these conventions and requirements see the document ‘Quote, unquote’ available on X-Stream (
  4. A full bibliography (not part of the word count) should be provided
  5. Word count should be shown at the end of the document
  6. Word count must be adhered to but to an extent you can adjust the suggested words for each section of the report to allow for a suitable introduction and conclusion in each case.
  7. The final report should not longer than 3500 words, (executive summary is not required), marks will be deducted for excess wording
  8. The UK must not be selected as a country to analyse
  9. The firm chosen must not currently be active in the country chosen

All work must be uploaded in word document format

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA – Part B – Analysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation (70% of overall grade)


  • Structure their work (10% of report mark)
  • Students should develop a well-structured report with clearly stated aims and objectives, contextualised focus and sound and logically developed arguments.
  • Present their work/academic skills (10% of report mark)
  • Students should ensure that a good range of academic and empirical sources are properly cited using the Harvard conventions and that a comprehensive bibliography is provide. Appropriate use may be made of tables, diagrams and academic endnotes.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding (30% of report mark)
  • Students should ensure they identify and make accurate use of relevant and appropriate conceptual, theoretical and empirical material.
  • Note that in the early sections of your report you are expected to present the key/relevant results of your analysis – not the full analysis
  • Synthesise, evaluate and apply the material (50% of report mark)
  • Students should demonstrate an ability to synthesise relevant and appropriate theoretical and empirical literature; critically evaluate and apply theoretical frameworks and principles to the analysis of foreign market servicing and propose an appropriate choice of strategy.
  • Note that the majority of these marks will be awarded for the synthesis and evaluation developed in support of your recommendation of a suitable FMSS for your chosen MNE into the designated country

Marking criteria


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding 30%

Students should ensure they identify and make accurate use of relevant and appropriate conceptual, theoretical and empirical material.

Note that in the early sections of your report you are expected to present the key/relevant results of your analysis – not the full analysis

Good knowledge and understanding

Relevant and appropriate conceptual, theoretical and empirical material was used correctly.

Empirical and relevant evidence was well used.

Mark Range 100-70
Synthesise, evaluate and apply the material 50%

Students should demonstrate an ability to synthesise relevant and appropriate theoretical and empirical literature; critically evaluate and apply theoretical frameworks and principles to the analysis of foreign market servicing and propose an appropriate choice of strategy.

Note that the majority of these marks will be awarded for the synthesis and evaluation developed in support of your recommendation of a suitable FMSS for your chosen MNE into the designated country

Very good level of synthesis between appropriate theoretical and empirical material

Substantial high degree of critical evaluation and application of relevant frameworks in analysing FMSS and the proposal of an appropriate strategy.

Executive summary very well written

Introduction and conclusion serve their purpose well


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nalysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation, The main focus of the report will be the recommendation and justification of a suitable FMSS (mode of entry) for the MNE into the chosen country ( ASEAN- MALAYSIA ).

nalysis of Multinational Enterprise and FMSS/Mode of Entry analysis and recommendation, The main focus of the report will be the recommendation and justification of a suitable FMSS (mode of entry) for the MNE into the chosen country ( ASEAN- MALAYSIA ).

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