an analytical close reading comparing two foreign films. an analytical close reading comparing two foreign films. an analytical close reading comparing how two non-US films from two different countries present a similar theme, issue, problem.
The movies are:
The Spirit of the Beehive (1973) by: Víctor Erice.
and Cinema Paradiso (1988) by: Giuseppe Tornatore
I will be too strict checking the originality of ideas you wrote. so, i want you to send me your thesis and your outline in advance before start writing the paper. i will also need a sample from your writing, so i know that you are familiar with the film studies and it theories, style..etc (ex: mise-en-scene).
So, if you think you are the one who can write the paper and have watched the two films (you need to watch them again), accept the order. i will request you as a writer after reviewing your samples.
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