Ambitious Architecture in Future Fiction. Ambitious Architecture in Future Fiction. Ambitious Architecture in Future Fiction
Given an example of some fictional design (e.g. Jetsons’ house), prepare a critical discussion of its features from concepts learned in the course. List plausible features and how they may be implemented with today’s smart building technology. Be able to ‘ballpark’ characteristics such as size, mass, load and assess their feasibility with ‘back-of-the-envelope’ calculations. Would the design actually work? What would it take to make it work?
Think about the project and come up with a project proposal. The project should cover enough concepts for at least a 10 minute defense presentation. The proposal should have a paragraph description of your futuristic design and couple bullet points for the concepts from class that you’ll discuss.
Pleas e-mail me your project proposals before class. Once I review and approve your proposal, you may begin working on the project, otherwise you will have to choose a new project and resubmit a proposal.
Please read the syllabubs to know the materials.
please do your best
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