Airport Parking. Airport Parking. Modern airports need a lot of parking space – Long term, short term, premium, structured, rental car, and employee parking. Planners must be able to estimate the amount of parking spaces they should provide.
Study an airport’s parking scheme (Long Beach Airport) in its master plan. Then, for this research paper:
Provide a diagram of the parking areas. You can use any media to provide this diagram, including being hand-drawn. Make sure to label each area.
Discuss the airport’s parking plan in detail, providing number of spaces available and revenue received in the last published year.
Address the layout of the parking plan and your opinion as to whether it is well designed for passenger services. Explain your opinion.
Use as many references as you would like, and be sure to use in text citations.Modern airports need a lot of parking space – Long term, short term, premium, structured, rental car, and employee parking. Planners must be able to estimate the amount of parking spaces they should provide.
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