Airline Marketing and Management

Airline Marketing and Management. Airline Marketing and Management. COURSEWORK TYPE: Report


MODULE TITLE: Airline Marketing and Management



FEEDBACK METHOD: Marking sheets







Upon successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the marketing strategies and the marketing mix (price, place, product, and promotion) of an airline business and apply the related knowledge in the Airline Simulation competition. (learning outcome 2)
  2. Analyse and evaluate the financial arrangements of a typical airline including accounts, financial reports, fund raising and income generation. (learning outcome 3)
  3. Using Airline Simulation software to develop a profile for different types of airlines using real commercial aircraft technical and operational characteristics. (learning outcome 4)




This assignment is designed to reflect the knowledge gained in 292EKM Airline Marketing and Management module from the lectures, the relevant sources and the Airline business practice through a comprehensive marketing plan. The above mentioned 3 key Learning Outcomes should be achieved by this coursework.


Airline Marketing Plan tasks:


  1. Provide a comprehensive description of the airline you have created in the Airline Simulation Activity. In the airline profile, you should include: your company’s mission statement, three key corporate objectives and related marketing objectives, and a summary of your current financial status.


  1. Conduct a marketing audit based on the results of the simulation process to evaluate the effectiveness of your current strategic approach. The audit should include PESTEL marketing environment analysis, your market segmentation, and a review of your current marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion and People).


  1. Conduct the SWOT analysis based on your analysis of market environment and marketing audit


  1. Propose your next marketing objectives and strategy based on the audit result and the assumptions of current industry developments and future trends.


  1. Formulate your final conclusions and recommendations based on your research findings.


  1. “Appendix Section”. Include any data and information that supports your arguments and any related documents.


Word limitation: 3000 words [(+-10%) Excluding Bibliography, References, and Appendices].


The recommended report structure is provided as follows. You need reference those sources properly by using CU Harvard Reference Style


The report should be structured to include:


Airline Marketing Report

Title page

Table of contents

List of Abbreviations/Glossary

Mission Statement

Corporate Objectives and Marketing Objectives

Financial Summary


Part 1_ Current Marketing Situation

Profile Information (Summary/Organisation structure/Fleet/Traffic/Employees)

Route Network Map and Market Segmentation

The Marketing Mix

Competitive Environment

Part 2_SWOT Analysis

Part 3_New Strategic Direction


Marketing Objectives (What to achieve)

Marketing Strategies (How to achieve)

Marketing Implementation (Strategy into action)



Bibliography/References _ CU Harvard Reference Style

Appendix Section


The marking scheme is based on: the main body of the Marketing Report

Overall presentation, the structure, content and quality of the report 20%
Critical evaluation and analysis 20%
Part 1 “Current Marketing Situation” 20%
Part 2 “SWOT Analysis” 10%
Part 3 “Future Strategic Direction” 20%
Source material acknowledged and referenced properly (CU Harvard) 10%
TOTAL 100%







Criteria Based Marking will be applied as follows:

Standard 70%-100%
Overall presentation and the structure, content and quality of the report (20%) The Report has an excellent structure and illustrates an excellent use of academic language.


All required tasks are completed, and fully discussed using a sufficient range of evidences.

Critical evaluation and analysis [20%] Each element of your marketing report is identified and fully discussed with sufficient evidences.


Excellent use of information obtained from a range of sources.

PART 1_ Current Marketing Situation [20%] The situation review includes an excellent and in depth profile and marketing mix analysis for the chosen airline.


PART 2_SWOT analysis [10%] Excellent SWOT analysis based on an in depth situation review.
Part 3_ Future Strategic direction [20%] SMART Marketing objectives and strategies that formulate a competitive advantage.
Source material acknowledged and referenced properly (CU Harvard) (10%) CU Harvard referencing is professionally used.








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