advantages and disadvantages to large-scale state-mandated assessments.. advantages and disadvantages to large-scale state-mandated assessments.. This week you will learn about classroom assessment and high-stakes testing. Most of you will be very familiar with No Child Left Behind, the legislation that spurred our modern forms of state-wide assessments. In July 2016, a panel tasked to study Texas’ state assessments and to provide recommendations stopped short of proposing to replace the STAAR test computerized and individualized exams. You can read one report here:
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to large-scale state-mandated assessments. Then, based on what you read elsewhere and what you have learned in this course, make a recommendation for how we move forward with statewide assessments. Support your recommendation with a rationale that reflects your understanding of this course’s topics.
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advantages and disadvantages to large-scale state-mandated assessments.
advantages and disadvantages to large-scale state-mandated assessments.