Advanced Writing. Advanced Writing. The assigment that I have to complete is this:
“Conduct an interview with a practicing professional about the topics, procedures, practices, and goals of that person’s research/professional life, then use that interview as the basis for a short essay profiling them and their work. The guiding force in this piece should be your own curiosity. What is most compelling to you about what they do? What do you want to most know about it?”
Since I don’t know such person, please create one for me (and pretend that they are real). Here are some pointers:
The character works in a Planetarium in the city of Varna Bulgaria. His name is Damian Dimitrov. His exact occupation at his workplace I leave to you to choose.
I have attached an article. Presume that I’m meeting this character to discuss his opinion about it. Questions that might arise in the conversation:
“How will the construction of this telscope affect the environment and wildlife?”
“What is your typical day? What do you do?”
“What is your official title?”
Since this is an Essay – Profile type. We want to tie it into the article and the eprson’s opinion about it. However, the essay should be mainly about the person who is being interviewed. In a way we want to know “What is life like for you?” without asking this question directly.
The essay should follow this format:
Begin with Pathos – “pathos” is a term in literature that suggests the “feeling” behind an article, also the “human face” or the “heart”; Pathos is a method of convincing people with an argument drawn out through an emotional response.
Nut – core/main idea of a story
It is extremely important to follow this format (if you are unsure what these 3 terms mean please contact me)
All sections (pathos,nut, logos) should be roughly the same lenght. Paragraphs should be 4-5 sentences long.
Margin: 1” all around; no right justification Spacing: Double space between lines; one space after end punctuation Type: 12 point Page numbers: Top right margin; Arabic numerals without period Paragraphing: Two Spaces Font: Times New Roman.
Include quotations in some sections (quating the person that you are interviewing).
Use the article and the actual interview as sources for the works cited page.
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