Aboriginal studies

Aboriginal studies. Aboriginal studies. Midterm
You may use your notes, chapters and videos but DO NOT collaborate with other students. DO NOT cut and paste your answers from the chapters! The exam is out of a total of 60 marks which will then be divided by 2 to achieve 30 as the percentage of your total final grade. [example 40/60 divided by 2 = 20/30]

Part One: Answer this question carefully and fully.

1. Answer using your own experience and information from Reel Injun and Chapter 8 (Reclaiming Aboriginality: From Mainstream Media Representation to Aboriginal Self-Representation by Augie Fleras). (15)

Over this past year there has been a lot of discussion about the reconciliation that needs to occur between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. What is reconciliation? How could you make a difference in furthering reconciliation?

Chapter 8 and the Reel Injun (video) presents information and discussion regarding the damage misrepresentation has done between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples both in the past and present. Discuss how it impacts Aboriginal people (as children AND adults), AND non-Aboriginal people as individuals and societies? It identifies that many non-Aboriginal people are not aware, or do not recognize, what misrepresentation is and how it can effect individual Aboriginal persons and Aboriginal society. What is your opinion/understanding of this?

Is there a relationship between media representation and reconciliation – yes or no? Explain?

Part Two: Answer THREE of the following fully and carefully.

2. What is Indigenous Ways of Knowing? Elaborate as much as possible using both the Chapter and examples from Larry Merculieff’s TEDxHomer lecture? Give an overview of what is meant by Western ways of knowing? What is significant about the learning process in Indigenous ways of learning/knowing? What are some significant differences between these two types of learning? (15)

3. In The Role of Native Elders: Emergent Issues, what are some factors that make it difficult for an Elder in contemporary society to provide teachings and perform his/her duties? What are some options being explored and utilized to overcome these problems? To learn from elders what must the learner be willing to do? In Elder’s Teachings in the Twenty-first Century: A Personal Reflection, there are references to ‘sites of learning’, what are they? How and why does this impact teaching methodology – for both the elder and the student? From the chapters, videos and class discussion summarize what you think the roles of an elder to be? (15)

4. In Knowing Your History it states that the written history of Canada is one-sided, what does that mean? Do you agree or disagree, and why? What is meant by biases in historical writing? Though the author identifies the exclusion of Aboriginal voice in history this article contributes to it, how? How, in your opinion, does the exclusion of Aboriginal voice in Canadian history impact Aboriginal people? Impact non-Aboriginal people? What is significant about the time ‘periods’ not included in the author’s timeline? The Chapter asked the question “Does this mean that only Aboriginal people can write Aboriginal history?” Please provide your personal opinion and answer this question. (15)

5. In Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow: Aboriginal Languages and the video, History of the Cree Language, consequences and/or impacts connected to the loss of Aboriginal languages are discussed. Name some – provide examples from each of these two sources and discuss? What counter measures are occurring to reduce language loss? Several of the chapters and videos we have examined have spoken to the significance of language retention, what is your opinion on this topic? (15)


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Aboriginal studies

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