A summary of the book Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh. A summary of the book Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh. You have been asked by the Huffington Post to participate in writing a summary of the book Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh. You will be the content expert regarding the book.
Your requirement is to create an approximate 8-page paper with 4 sections.
In the first section, titled Early Years, you are to write about the significance of 3 decisions Tony made during his early life through high school and how those decisions and the consequences of those decisions shaped his future as an entrepreneur.
In the second section, titled College through Pre-Zappos, you are to again write about the significance of 3 decisions Tony made during that time of his life and how those decisions and the consequences of those decisions shaped his future.
In the third section, titled Zappos: Part I, you are to write about the significance of 3 decisions
Tony made while getting Zappos off the ground and what other business leaders can learn from those 3 decisions and the consequences of those decisions.
In the fourth section, titled Zappos Core Values, you are to write about the 3 core values of Zappos that most strongly resonate with you and why.
So, your paper will have no introduction or summary. Simply start your paper with the heading for the first section.
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