roduce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results Produce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results

roduce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results Produce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results. roduce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results Produce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results. This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Any instances of COLLUSION or PLAGIARISM will be penalised. (Refer to the Programme Handbook for a definition of these terms.)





Jepard manufactures and sells laptop computers. The quarterly manufacturing costs and the corresponding production units of laptop computers are shown within the following tables.



Units of Production



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1(January, February, March) 118 162 192 246
2(April, May, June) 132 166 202 262 328
3(July, August, September) 102 133 171 213 258
4(October, November, December) 78 96 121 150  

Manufacture of lap top computers expressed in 00’s



Manufacturing Costs  
Quarter 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
1 (January, February, March)   1756 2019 2144 2313
2 (April, May, June) 2014 2404 2622 2837 3102
3 (July, August, September) 1795 1957 2211 2306 2572
4 (October, November, December) 1496 1598 1812 1905  

Manufacturing costs expressed in £’000’s





Produce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results for the following:


(a) The trend and seasonal variations, over the past 18 quarters, for the:

(i) manufacturing costs for laptop computers,

(ii) production of laptop computers.


(b) A forecast, for each quarter of 2016 for the:

(i) manufacturing costs for laptop computers,

(ii) production of laptop computers.


(c) The correlation coefficient and regression equation for the relationship, over the past 18 quarters, between the manufacturing costs for laptop computers and the production of laptop computers.



The Report Marking Scheme and Feedback Form, together with the Graduate Skills (Descriptors and Criteria) Feedback Form appear on the following pages.



    Student Number            




Report Marking Scheme and Feedback Form





Clearly specified title and contents page.

Concisely stated purpose for the report.

Logical structure. Coherent, clear, error-free and concise content.

Appropriate presentation and referencing within the Project Report.







Sub-total 10  
Part (a)


(i)    Results, calculations, tables and graphs


(ii)  Results, calculations, tables and graphs


           Explanation and evaluation of the derived results


           Assumptions underlying the analysis and derived results











Sub-total 40  
Part (b)


(i)    Results, calculations, tables and graphs


(ii)  Results, calculations, tables and graphs


           Explanation and evaluation of the derived results


           Assumptions underlying the analysis and derived results











Sub-total 20  
Part (c)


           Results, calculations, tables and graphs


           Explanation and evaluation of the derived results


           Assumptions underlying the analysis and derived results









Sub-total 30  
Total 100  






Marker:   Date:  




Graduate Skills: Descriptors and Criteria


  1. Analysing and Solving Problems
Skill Descriptor Skill Criteria
Relates and compares information from different sources, identifies issues, draws conclusions based on logical assumptions, and determines the most appropriate course of action. 3.     Breaks down complex information and identifies the key information using logical arguments / reasoning.



D.   Written Communication
Skill Descriptor Skill Criteria
Expresses ideas effectively, and conveys information appropriately and accurately through the written word and/or other media. 2.     Structures information appropriately with clear introduction and conclusion.




F.  Numerical Reasoning

Skill Descriptor Skill Criteria
Works with numbers, interprets and manipulates data, recognises patterns and predicts their implications. 2.      Handles numbers accurately, efficiently and can apply skills in context.

5.      Recognises patterns and underlying trends in data, and can use them to generalise and interpolate.





H. Information Literacy and ICT Skills

Skill Descriptor Skill Criteria
Utilises the facilities of available ICT tools to enhance oral and written communication, research skills and other activities 4.      Sets up and uses a spreadsheet to solve a problem





One possible report format is




Contents page



Including a brief explanation of the method(s) used, and their limitations.

And any assumptions made in using these models.



Including tables and charts/graphs.



Eg which model is the best for each table of data.



What could/should the organisation do to apply your findings in their business.

Make sure any recommendations are realistic and practical.


Appendices of calculations

These will be the detailed calculations you make.



Remember to use Harvard referencing.


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roduce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results Produce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results

roduce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results Produce a comprehensive report (not exceeding 1,400 words) that contains supporting calculations, tables and graphs, and an explanation and evaluation of the derived results

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