Research proposal for PhD biology

Research proposal for PhD biology.

Research proposal on ageing and dentification of small molecule allosteric activators of the enzyme G6PD

Order instructions:

G6PD activity declines with age
The enzyme is hypothesised to play a role in ageing due to its role in nucleotide synthesis, ROS neutralisation through GSH regeneration, and de novo lipogenesis
Transgenic overexpression of G6PD extends lifespan
Preliminary drug screen identified small molecule G6PD activators which extend lifespan
Question is how these compounds interact with G6PD protein?
Structural biology / crystallography studies are needed
Comprehensive drug screen is needed
Pathogenic role of G6PD deficiency is in haemolytic anaemia – need to perform experiments with human blood
Project will be to therefore identify more potent G6PD activators, perform structural biology experiments, and investigate what they do to human blood through ex vivo experiments.

please write a 2000 word research proposal on ageing and dentification of small molecule allosteric activators of the enzyme G6PD, and the finding that those compounds extend lifespan in C elegans

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Research proposal for PhD biology

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